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BBC Sport Relief - A bit cheeky?

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What that Blue Peter girl did is amazing.


I was extremly impressed at what she did I actually don't think the documentary does justice to how difficult it was out there particularly the extreme conditions.


The thing that got me was the way she kept so positive in such difficult conditions having read about several trips to antartica its a huge mental test.


Well done donation made.

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The money donated in overseas aid, either by the state or charities, pales into insignificance when compared with the amount needed to irrigate a continent. Have you looked at a map, Africa's quite large?


Your cynicism, however, would easily cover it.


We ran an empire once ............. larger than Arica me thinks.


The ancient Egyptians werent deterred by the size of the task,


We went to the moon and thats well past scotland.


We search for oil in the arctic and thats a bit awkward with the ice and stuff.


Do you really believe size is an issue ?

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Lets try and get a handle on global capitalism in simple terms......... If there is a cure for the common cold which can be home grown then i dare say Mr Beecham and Mr Kleenex would pay a fortune to suppress that info............. now can you think of a reason they would leave us all to suffer ?

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I did my bit for Sports Relief last night.


I ran to the nearest pub which wasn't showing it.


I'm going with you on this one.:thumbsup:

Fed-up to the back teeth with scroungathon after scroungathon.

All the fading so-called stars pretending to care,when all they care about is resurrecting their own talentless careers.

It's cringeworthy!


However,i will give my respects to David Walliams,after his epic swim down the crap filled Thames.

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To top it all large parts of the city centre of Leeds was blocked off yesterday to allow the well-off, middle class, 'Sport Relief Mile' runners/walkers to ease their consciences for having it so easy when most of us are suffering in a time of austerity.


Spoilt my day, it did. Sport Relief should be giving US money, considering all of the very wealthy people involved, not the other way around.

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To top it all large parts of the city centre of Leeds was blocked off yesterday to allow the well-off, middle class, 'Sport Relief Mile' runners/walkers to ease their consciences for having it so easy when most of us are suffering in a time of austerity.


Spoilt my day, it did. Sport Relief should be giving US money, considering all of the very wealthy people involved, not the other way around.


That's because everyone knows you don't really represent or even give a crap about the "poor and disadvantaged" as you claim on virtually every BBC thread going.

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