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Ups and downs in life.

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I don't think OP needs cheering up particularly. He's having a philosophical moment on the meaning of life and everything. Don't you ever feel like that?


Thanks Anna.


Yeah, have been very unfortunate lately, and not felt this distraught for a long time, however, tea and sympathy isn't going to help me. Nor is self-pity.


I suspect I need some time to recoup, digest and assess my situation. From such a point, I can then move forwards.

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I've never had that many 'ups' and I suspect, they're somewhat over-rated in any case. Recently, I've had a major 'up' in my life, something really cool happened to me, and yet, it's now all gone a bit pear shaped now...


It kinda reminds me of being at Alton Towers on one of the roller coasters, up and down, up and down, etc etc.


Life is kinda like that. There you are, sat in the center, as happy as can be, and all these rides are calling out to you, drawing you away from yourself. I think the thing is, not to get drawn out. Equinimity, I think it is. To be at peace with yourself, in all circumstances and conditions of life.


That's the ticket.


Some years ago I learned to "let everything go". By this I mean, when faced with a situation that you absolutely cannot do anything to change, just accept it and stop worrying. It's a very liberating and calming experience. Around the same time I lost interest in most material possessions (gadgets, cars, equipment etc.) and started de-cluttering in the house. I also became more aware that no matter how bad things get, there's always somebody worse off. I had discovered my equanimity and it continues to this day :)

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If it helps,


Without going into too much detail, I am 67, I have been made redundant twice and have suffered personal loss, ie, the loss of a much loved wife.


I am not rich but continue to work and hopefully make a contribution to the society live in.


At my lowest ebb, bereaved and out of work, I started to do some unpaid work with people suffering fom autism. By helping these people it brought out a side of me that i thought never existed, I found i was becoming more concerned about them than I was in myself, by helping them I was able to stop worrying and manage my greiving process.


My suggestion is therefore, find something to focus on that is positive and selfless. This may help you.


Forgive my blase earlier post, remember you are not alone and your experience though unique to you in fact mirrors the up and down experience of us all.


It is called life.

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Well, thank you all of you, for your kind and supportive words, and your insights. Feel I'm through the worst of it now, although there is still some lingering pain, it won't last.


I'm looking to the present, where I am now, what I have now, and focusing on moving forward from here. Not wasting precious time and energy on self-pity or regret.


It's an interesting idea xenia, doing something charitable, helping others, I'll consider that, and if something comes my way, well, we'll see.


Thank you all once again,

Kind Regards,


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