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Accident on the M5 another lorry involved?

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How many people die each day in lorry vs vehicle crashes?

How many people die each day in car vs vehicle crashes?


The second category far outweighs the former, but there's no public appetite for reporting of those incidents unless it involves a celebrity or sportsperson. People don't like being told the lump of metal and plastic they drive around could easily become thier coffin through nobody elses mistake.

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I am a truck driver and I drive for a well known firm,I was out yesterday on the M18 and the M62 the fog was as thick as pea soup I was driving as safe as I could see in front of me speed down to about 20mph at times, It was very dangerous,still cars not trucks came past me at silly speeds they could not possibly have stopped if something was in front of them they were driving blind into the fog madness absolute madness,the accident on the M5 was coursed by the coach driver braking down in the inside lane with a flat battery taking workers to crop picking work, they were in the live lane of the motorway the truck driver was doing 40mph at the time the the speed that the signs stated on the gantry's,most of the accidents I see are and I do see a lot are coursed by speeding cars that end up getting into trouble as they are usually inexperienced car drivers that get the trucks involved,spend a day with me to see how bad some car drivers are they have no idea at all some of them,driving round a roundabout on the out side of a truck jumping into braking space undertaking on motorways you name it I have seen it all, not all truck drivers are angels I admit but at least we have the training that should help us to drive properly.

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Where are the Moderators on this ??? A lot of unfounded speculation and it should be stopped. People have died here ! Have some respect !


It is impossible for the moderators to see every thread. Thankfully, someone has recently made us aware of it by pressing the report button. Please see the message at the foot of every page requesting users to report offending posts.


Some speculative and argumentative posts have been removed, please remember there have been fatalities and post sensitively, or with genuine information.


Thank you.

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Yes I can; in fact, I just did.


A stationary object, whatever it might be, cannot cause an accident; it is the responsibility of moving drivers to be able to stop within the distance they can see, so that they will not collide with stationary objects. A coach broken down and not showing lights falls into the category of "stationary object," just as does a piece of fallen masonry. Neither can be at fault for an accident.



That said, police have arrested the coach driver, and as I pointed out originally we don't yet have all the details. My point is a general one and may not be relevant to this incident. (The lorry driver is in a critical condition in hospital; whether they intended to arrest him or not they couldn't do so until he recovers.)


A stationary object is a primary cause of an accident if a vehicle hits it. Some stationary objects, like masonry, don't involve any people and so there is no blame to apportion nor mitigating behaviour that they could take. A coach however involves a person, who should take the mitigating action of having the fog light and hazard lights on. Beyond that the coach driver is incapable of avoiding another vehicle hitting the coach though, even though the coach is a primary cause of the accident.

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seems the coach driver was to blame when things are put in to prespective which idiot breakdown in first lane and stays there when even the momento of the vehicle would take you on to the hard shoulder people who leave there vehicles in live lanes when there is a hard shoulder about should be banned from the roads as this is dangerous driving and i was around sheffield at 7.30 saturday morning and you couldnt see 50yards in front of you only the only people i feel sorry are the dead ones throw the key away to coach driver

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