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The Draymin plus support Saturday April 21st


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Live @ The Cobden View

We are looking forward to one of Scotlands finest unsigned acts coming to play in Sheffield as part of their launch of their debut album

"Should've Known Better".


So who, I hear you ask, are The Draymin?


Have a look at the facebook event page.




Trust me, its going to be pretty epic!


Support provided by Sheffield's own Polkadodge.



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For the people who do not have access to facebook.....





The much anticipated debut album "Should've Known Better" from Scottish 'dance rockers' The Draymin is released on April 2nd.

Since the band formed in 2005 they have steadily rose to be considered amongst the best-unsigned talent Scotland has to offer.


This album is something they are very proud of and are now looking

forward to doing what they best – playing the tunes live.

We are pleased that The Draymin will be visiting The Cobden to show us what they can do.

Other gigs on this tour have already sold out and remember - IT'S FREE AT THE COBDEN!

This will be a very busy night so you are advised to get along early. Support will be provided by local band Polkadodge


So, who are The Draymin?


Brothers Fraser and Craig Penman and lifelong mates Gec Livingstone and Gary Louch formed The Draymin in 2005.....


"We started the band through our love of guitar and dance music. Bands such as The Verve, The Stone Roses, Oasis and dance music from the 90’s inspired us to make our own blend of dance fuelled guitar music.

Rehearsing, recording and gigging as much as we could we soon built up a large local fan base, which attracted the attention of Michael Jobson at MJM Management.

In 2007 with the help of Michael we secured a slot at SXSW in Austin, Texas. We then played to a packed out T-Break Tent at T In The Park where we were filmed and broadcast on BBC TV.

At the time, we had a lot of label interest and were receiving emails from scouts at many of the major labels wanting to come along to catch us live.

Unfortunately for us Michael then took on the job of doing tour management for the now sadly gone - Amy Winehouse – a mammoth task as you can imagine. This meant he no longer had the time to carry on helping us out."


"Looking back now, we weren’t ready to be signed; we didn’t have the confidence and didn’t feel we had enough great tracks to make a serious breakthrough.

The launch night for the release of our first E.P. was held at The Ballroom in Dunfermline where we attracted over 700 people. We showcased our new E.P with live sessions on BBC Radio Scotland and XFM Scotland. That summer we hit the festivals playing at Go North, Rockness, Live At Loch Lomond, Wickerman, Belladrum, Wizard Festival and In The City in Manchester."


"In late 2008 lead singer Fraser was made redundant from his 'day-job' and opted to take a job offshore It was the end of the road for The Draymin as we all agreed that without his vocal it just wouldn’t be the same. We played an emotional farewell gig to over 1200 people at The Alhambra Theatre in Dunfermline.

We all missed the band immensely and through time Fraser decided enough was enough, quit his job and managed to get work closer to home which would not involve going offshore. We were over the moon!"


" We released our new E.P – '2point1', in December 2009, which received rave reviews in local and national press. The first date of our tour was in Dunfermline, we sold it out –1000 people turned out to watch us – an unsigned band!

For that gig and the rest of the tour we recruited the help of Callum Nicol on Keys and Synths, he fitted in just perfectly and we all agreed it made sense that he should join the band permanently."


"2010 saw us have our busiest year yet with 3 single releases and coinciding tours to back them up. We headed down to The Great Escape Festival in Brighton, Liverpool’s Soundcity Festival and Tramlines Festival in Sheffield. Once again we were invited to play T In The Park, where we filled the tent to its 2000 capacity and had its entrances closed off. At T In The Park we were invited along to do a BBC Campervan Session, which was then broadcast on BBC Radio. "


"In 2011 we released our Smoke & Mirrors E.P which received great praise throughout the national media, none more so than by Gordon Smart of The Sun who had been championing the band since he caught our set at T In The Park in 2010. He was so impressed by the band that he invited us down to do a live session for The Sun at their London HQ, the first unsigned band to do so. (http://www.thesun.co.uk/​sol/homepage/showbiz/​bizarre/bizsessions/​3500665/​The-Draymins-Adele-cover-is​-top-notch.html)

After a small UK tour we were once again invited to play Liverpool Soundcity Festival where we supported Frank Turner at The Crypt."


"In the summer of 2011 we played the Soundcity Stage at Rockness

Festival, a stage for upcoming unsigned acts. The organisers chose us as the best band of the weekend. The prize for this was a slot on the Goldenvoice Stage at 2012’s Rockness Festival and a major tour support slot.

Our track ‘Mirrors’ was also chosen to be played on new Channel 4 show – ‘Fresh Meat’.

In August of 2011 we locked ourselves away in Lofi Studios in Glasgow and went about recording our debut album. We wanted to take our time over it, get it sounding the way we wanted to and we feel we have achieved that.

This brings us to where we are today!"


"We feel we have worked very hard to get to this point and have encountered many highs and lows along the way. We believe in this album, if we didn’t – we wouldn’t bother releasing it.

We look forward to getting out on the road, and playing this album to any many people as we can.

Thanks and hopefully see you soon."

The Draymin







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  • 2 weeks later...

Here is a review of Should've Known Better, most of which will be played on the night.




The Draymin seem to have all eyes set on stadium tours with ‘Should’ve Known Better’. For the most part this means big, full-on electro pop rock stompers, but in between the club trappings and indie electro rock hook, there are some treats on offer that justify the bombast evident throughout.


The first few tracks are, well, big. Very, very big. There are few moments where there doesn’t seem to be a million things all going on at once. ‘Heart Attack’ opens the album with an understated rave synth and carries the feel through an atmospheric arena rock verse/pre-chorus/drop ‘n chorus progression, with a sense of gratification so strong and full it is almost perverse. The hook involved is slick and full of life, and the band put the full boot in once they get going, even if the quieter moments can slacken. Then we get the bustling yet slightly familiar ‘Hold Your Position’, which if anything gets let down by its straightforward sound, the most interesting bits being where the hooks, riffs and melodies all hit at once, as the cavernous production leaves quieter moments a little hollow. But I can see where these guys want to be: an anthemic sing-along, and once again, when they get going there is little faulting them in this respect. And the moody electro synths on ‘Sit On Stairs’ really lifts the dance rock and twiddly guitars to an intense level that matches what the vocals aim for, and a singalong woah-oh finish.

But the first hint that The Draymin might actually hit the heights they’re aiming for is ‘Don’t Fade Away’. Something clicks into place here, with a synth and bass driven intensity, and a passionate vocal delivery with lyrics and a verse instrumentation with an intricate guitar line and shimmering synth underneath foregrounded vocals that sound like Brand New writing a rave rock song. This is the first time the singer seems to really get his teeth (or should that be vocal chords) properly into a song, and it really brings out the huge sounds coming from the band, and make the song truly attention-grabbing. But they can write a good ballad too. ‘I’m There’ has an opening guitar line that sounds like a bluesy take on the great soundtrack piece In A Heartbeat, which immediately means it is a climactic, subtly thrilling sound, and despite a slightly overproduced vocal sound there’s a real passion to the vocal delivery which stands out against the stark musical background before the song fluctuates between moody yet jittery dancefloor rock and spine-tingling buildup, and the almost hymn-like quality of the title track’s opening, which you know will be the one where everyone whips out their phones and lighters at the first note hit on the church organ keyboard sound, and the band’s unstoppable bouncy rhythms work well with the more solemn lyrics and downcast bassline, even if the middle eight feels somewhat forced.

There’s also a surreal Queen moment, as ‘You Bring The Fire’ brings not only a surprisingly tasty song, but a fiery powerpop to the stadium sound that hints at a band that want to take their sound to its limits, even if it is also dogged by the less welcome/interesting ghost of U2. There are low(er) points. ‘Mirrors’ sounds a bit too much like the previous tracks to really feel worth it, despite the way it almost demands the listener to jump up and down in time to its chorus in a room full of euphorically sweaty fellow fans. And after the aforementioned excellent ‘Don’t Fade Away’, ‘We Will Fall’ feels a bit too much of a lull, but the vocal harmonies and keen ear for a good melody mean it’s not exactly tedious. However ‘Block 11’ despite its lyrically tantalising moments doesn’t ever get fully realised, diving a little too much into overfamiliar songwriting territory.


The Draymin are a band that have somehow managed to take all the good bits from stadium and arena bands, sprinkle in some Beatles appeal, a bit of Saturday nights out of an electro dancefloor, and make a sound that’s almost unnervingly listenable. ‘Should’ve Known Better’ might not make album of the year, but it’s a really solid offering, and if they could coax more of the spirit and soul that’s discernable beneath the slick production (and get the singer to put more fire in his vocals) then they could really get somewhere with their blend of heartfelt pop and expansive synth rock orchestration.


Katie H-Halinski


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Polkadodge, who will be onstage around 9.30pm, have been voted into the final 8 of the Tramlines People's Choice, to see which local act opens the Main Stage at this years festival. Come along and see/hear for yourselves why they have made it to the final 8.

Also, this event is FREE ENTRY, so really, what's stopping you?

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