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Anyone got any frog spawn yet?

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We've had tadpoles a couple of days now. Our pond is in the sunlight for most of the day, its been there since last year as the little pond we had before was too small for the fish to survive last winter, so we made it a lot bigger and deeper, its got a pump and filter and quite a few plants :)

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Unbelievably, some of the tapioca that I poured into the pond as a substitute for the real thing, has begun to hatch into tadpoles, or should that be tappoles?

Hope they weather the cold spell which is forecast.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi all


Need some advice here, I have a pond, but over the last few years there has been no frogspawn, now I'd really like to try to get the frogs back again, so it's a case of aquiring some frogspawn, firstly are you allowed these days to go get a bucket full? And secondly I'm in the heeley area and is there anywhere I can get some, and I suppose thirdly if I put the frogspawn in the pond when they mature will they stay or try to hop off to the place they were born?


Many thanks indeed

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NO do not go and get a bucketful, taking from the wild is unethical if not illegal I think frogs and toads are getting endangered.............and there is a disease about called red leg or something which if you start moving stuff about you risk spreading it..

To be honest if your pond is frog friendly they will show up at some time.....mine did after a few years....but so far this year there's nothing in it.....I think the frogs are still in bed....

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