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A quarter of a million? That'll do nicely

Guest sibon

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In everyday life , us plebs can be sacked for conflicts of interest such as accepting small tips or gifts in advance of work done , and many employees are not allowed to receive personal gifts and can be disciplined or sacked if they do so .


MPs on the other hand .... Comments on the introduction of a "Statutory Register of Lobbyists" run until 13th April only . 38 Degrees has its own petition , "Stop secret lobbying" which anyone can sign on-line . I may not have time to do so myself , however , as I will be trawling the net looking for a quality champagne with which to befriend my HMRC "bezzie mate" , I also need to find a little something so that I can secure the potholing repair contract for me old mate O'Rellyman , as recommended by Sir Basil of Torquay .

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In everyday life , us plebs can be sacked for conflicts of interest such as accepting small tips or gifts in advance of work done , and many employees are not allowed to receive personal gifts and can be disciplined or sacked if they do so .


MPs on the other hand .... Comments on the introduction of a "Statutory Register of Lobbyists" run until 13th April only . 38 Degrees has its own petition , "Stop secret lobbying" which anyone can sign on-line . I may not have time to do so myself , however , as I will be trawling the net looking for a quality champagne with which to befriend my HMRC "bezzie mate" , I also need to find a little something so that I can secure the potholing repair contract for me old mate O'Rellyman , as recommended by Sir Basil of Torquay .


A nice bottle of Krug wouldn't go amiss. Cheers mate:thumbsup:

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