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Sweden - A Guardinists Dream?

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It's a failed attempt to use the word 'Guardianista' - more commonly found in the work of right wing columnists like Littlejohn and Clarkson.


It basically means anyone with a liberal or left wing viewpoint.


There's something amusing about someone trying to use an insult they can't spell...


(Or maybe the spelling is an attempt at parody, based on the Guardian's reputation for spelling errors.....nah!)





I thought he was talking admiringly about Scandinavian horticulture!

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It will never catch on in Sheffield, lager at £13 a pint so they can support disadvantaged minorities.


They don't support Alko's do they???


If it were £13 a pint I think I would chuck my pepper and tomatos plants out of the windows shelve them off and line demijohns and plastic buckets around every room. I'd need a pully system for the loft!

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Have you seen the size of Sweden's defence budget?


In raw figures, it's about one-tenth the size of ours; in terms of spending per person, it's about two-thirds.


If we cut our defence budget by a third, we'd have an extra twenty thousand million pounds to play with each year. If we cut it by nine-tenths, it would be more than half a trillion.

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In raw figures, it's about one-tenth the size of ours; in terms of spending per person, it's about two-thirds.


If we cut our defence budget by a third, we'd have an extra twenty thousand million pounds to play with each year.


That's about 625 new hospitals. http://www.rlbuht.nhs.uk/new_hospitals/Redeveloping_the_Royal.asp


or 4444 new primary schools built every year... http://www.warrington-worldwide.co.uk/articles/11047/1/New-school-will-cost-45-million/Page1.html


or just one Northern Rock... http://news.sky.com/home/business/article/16043428


or 4p off income tax... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/8735959/State-backed-banks-could-pay-for-1p-cut-in-tax.html

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That's weird because just yesterday I was saying to my 7 year old neice about Sweden being a silly ill thought out lefty sandal wearing fantasy, it left her perplexed I can tell you.


'What's a guardinist? she uttered after deliberating for some time. I couldn't answer because i'd never heard the phrase before.


You need to learn how to relate to children better then, try colouring in or reading her stories if thats with your capabilities.

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