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Corrupt tory scum

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So a newpaper run by people with zero morals (I'm looking at you Murdoch & Son) is having a go at a government that has been at the heart of giving them a much deserved hard time.


Murdoch's Revenge?


As if such low-lifes would stoop to such a level.


*** funny though.


Anyone know when the next "Tory MP caught doing something horizontal and sweaty with someone he shouldn't have" scandal is due, we haven't had one for a bit? If you'll pardon the pun...

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I don't see a problem at all here. It's gone on for years and is not exclusive to the Tories.


What does concern me though us the £50,000,000 we send over to the EU every day.


A disgrace.


fair point. None of the main parties have any commitment to letting people have a say on Europe.


They will change their mind when UKIP start polling a substantial share of the vote and maybe even start winning seats.

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So a newpaper run by people with zero morals (I'm looking at you Murdoch & Son) is having a go at a government that has been at the heart of giving them a much deserved hard time.


Murdoch's Revenge?


As if such low-lifes would stoop to such a level.


*** funny though.


Anyone know when the next "Tory MP caught doing something horizontal and sweaty with someone he shouldn't have" scandal is due, we haven't had one for a bit? If you'll pardon the pun...


Don't forget Cameron had a Christmas meal with a certain senior NI bod only 15 months ago, a senior NI bod that R. Murdoch is very fond of.

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fair point. None of the main parties have any commitment to letting people have a say on Europe.


They will change their mind when UKIP start polling a substantial share of the vote and maybe even start winning seats.


My wish too.


I've voted Tory since 1987 but have now joined UKIP as their policies are much closer to what I think this country needs.


And getting out of Europe is number one on my list of priorities.

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My wish too.


I've voted Tory since 1987 but have now joined UKIP as their policies are much closer to what I think this country needs.


And getting out of Europe is number one on my list of priorities.


I think we should stay in but if the majority of people want a say on it the parties should be listening.


The UKIP are going to be the beneficiaries.

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I think we should stay in but if the majority of people want a say on it the parties should be listening.


The UKIP are going to be the beneficiaries.


They haven't been thus far and they won't be in the future. They spank it in European elections (ironically) but at general elections people don't vote for single issue parties.

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So a newpaper run by people with zero morals (I'm looking at you Murdoch & Son) is having a go at a government that has been at the heart of giving them a much deserved hard time.


Murdoch's Revenge?


As if such low-lifes would stoop to such a level.


*** funny though.


Anyone know when the next "Tory MP caught doing something horizontal and sweaty with someone he shouldn't have" scandal is due, we haven't had one for a bit? If you'll pardon the pun...


Sleaze & right-wing infighting. It's like being back in the 1990's!

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They haven't been thus far and they won't be in the future. They spank it in European elections (ironically) but at general elections people don't vote for single issue parties.


I think that is going to change dramatically.

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I have no idea, but as previous poster says we have precious little real democracy left in its present guise.


The trouble is that to change things we have to get them passed by Parliament, and they are not going to sanction anything which isn't in their best interests. Turkeys don't vote for Christmas. So we need some radical new thinking. Oliver Cromwell marched into Parliament and disolved it at a stroke, (with the backing of his own personal army...) and things changed.


The internet is something new that politicians haven't reckoned with. It can be used to organise and discuss, and is truly representative of the people, (which is why they're itching to get it closed down.) I don't think its power has even been scratched so far. It is a bit like our version of the army without the funny helmets and the bloodshed.


New ideas are being tried out all the time. If a guy can organise something like Wikipedia, or twitter, then a new way of voting for policy without the intervention of politicians should be possible. I'm no computer geek so my knowledge is very limited, but there are minds way superior to mine who know how to do these things. I think some serious, feasible, working suggestions are already online.


I'm not saying we don't need any politicians, but we can certainly do with less, and curtail their power.


Thats true, it was only a couple of weeks ago that people were outraged ( in Holland i think) about a chairman of a company getting a ridiculous amount of bonus, they organized themselves on the internet and all threatened to withdraw their cash on one fell swoop if his bonus was paid................his bonus didn't get paid

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Publicly fund politica lparties, make them finacially accountable. Ban or seriously limit the money that can be donated from vested interests.

Don't we all have vested interests? What's the difference between a company lobbying to generate jobs and wealth and somebody lobbying for a drop kerb outside their house?


You could legitimately argue that the former is more important than the latter, but I suspect that's what most would interpret as a vested interest that needs clamping down on. Why?

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