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Corrupt tory scum

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Ed and David Elasticband will swop and change to suit whatever they think to get themselves into power.

Nasal Ed and Wild eyed Dave are true socialists and probably the best of the worst of socialism, then there is Ed Balls, an appropriate name.

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It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how low, abhorrant and thoroughly reprehensible politicians are, there are always people who come on here and defend the actions of political parties whome on the whole are quite frankly in it for themselves.


Do you people really feel represented by these political parties?


Have you been brainwashed and been forcefed some kind of drug to prevent you from thinking?


It seems to me that both labour and conservatives are constantly proving that these not are not the kind of people we should trust with the governance of our nation, and yet in what is supposed to be a demacratic country we get the same old crappy self serving slimeballs.

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Making the top rate of tax 100pc-thats realistic:hihi:



Those taxes won't double, Labour are not as stupid as that.


They go for things that poor people can't avoid, council tax, car insurance (tax), petrol (more than doubled since 1997 - 2010) those sorts of things, and not forgetting things such as the HIPs on homes.


Stealth taxes which hit the poorest paid the hardest

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Those taxes won't double, Labour are not as stupid as that.


They go for things that poor people can't avoid, council tax, car insurance (tax), petrol (more than doubled since 1997 - 2010) those sorts of things, and not forgetting things such as the HIPs on homes.


Stealth taxes which hit the poorest paid the hardest



If only the same could be said of you!

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wondering what to do with your windfall from the cut in high rate tax - I was.


why not put it into an offshore fund and then secretly channel it into the tory party through john cruddas via an ex no 10 aide. simples!


in return, you'll get to meet cameron in private, without any records of the meeting - you can lobby for your offshore interests, get even more lovely money and do it all over again. fantastic!


problem is, the game is busted for the time being , you'll have to wait a week or 2 until a similar but even more secret version of the game is created, shouldn't be long though.


this is bigger than MPs nicking a few grand or a duck house off expenses - this is organized, criminal corruption - the times journalists made clear that they were offering money from offshore to a british political party - ILLEGAL - no problemo matey, just set up a front company or use brit employees to channel the cash - ILLEGAL -


CORRUPT TORY SCUM - if there's another way of seeing it I'm sure someone will explain.




Oh Dear Frank. There's that Selective Socialist Amnesia kicking in again.


Have you already forgotten the Cash for Honours scandal that engulfed Labour in 2006? Thought so. Let me remind readers that Labour took money from a number of individuals who were then rewarded with peerages. It only came to light when 3 such individuals were rejected by the Lords scrutiny committee as being totally unsuited to the House of Lords. Nobody knows how many got through undetected.


This is bigger than the Tories taking a few quid for access to the PM. Blair was effectively selling peerages to anyone who "loaned" the Labour Party money or made big donations to Labour causes like their barking mad academies. All sums were in excess of £1m.


CORRUPT LABOUR SCUM - if there's another way of seeing it I'm sure someone will explain

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Oh Dear Frank. There's that Selective Socialist Amnesia kicking in again.


Have you already forgotten the Cash for Honours scandal that engulfed Labour in 2006? Thought so. Let me remind readers that Labour took money from a number of individuals who were then rewarded with peerages. It only came to light when 3 such individuals were rejected by the Lords scrutiny committee as being totally unsuited to the House of Lords. Nobody knows how many got through undetected.


This is bigger than the Tories taking a few quid for access to the PM. Blair was effectively selling peerages to anyone who "loaned" the Labour Party money or made big donations to Labour causes like their barking mad academies. All sums were in excess of £1m.


CORRUPT LABOUR SCUM - if there's another way of seeing it I'm sure someone will explain


you misunderstand me , I'm not a labour party member , I vote for them out of desperation and fear of the tories - when that psychopath blair sold lordships to rich donors I was horrified - it was an affront to democracy - the rich should never be able to buy political favours and influence and the opinion of the most impoverished should count as much as those of the ultra rich shouldn't they? the trade union movement allowed that in the past but no more, ordinary people are voiceless.

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Ed and David Elasticband will swop and change to suit whatever they think to get themselves into power.

Nasal Ed and Wild eyed Dave are true socialists and probably the best of the worst of socialism, then there is Ed Balls, an appropriate name.


I thought New Labour ditched socialism back in the nineties.Tho I do agree with your first sentence. Cameron tried to ditch the label Nasty party before the last election ,mind you he hasn't done a very good job.His true colours are showing through.

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