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Corrupt tory scum

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Yet again Cameron is caught in the middle of a corruption scandal - Brookes, Coulson, Emma Harrison and now Peter Cruddas.

His pathetic defence will be to deny any knowledge of the wrongdoing, despite haveing admitted hosting to these private dinners inside number 10.

There should be no doubt in anyones mind that this government is rotten to the core - with Cameron utlimately responsbile at every turn.

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All Political parties should be publicly funded. This would end the need for Labour sucking up to overmighty unions, Tories relying on dodgy capitalists. Politics cleaned up at a stroke.


Apart from the fact we are constantly being told that there is no money to pay for libraries, school sports, crossing patrols etc


What will need to be cut in order to divert money to political parties and how much will they need?

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It's easy isn't it? Rather than address the issue under discussion try and divert people's attention onto your own agenda.


Classic right wing methodology.


Made easier by the threads calm, reflective title which is conducive to reasoned debate and discourse. :rolleyes:

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All Political parties should be publicly funded. This would end the need for Labour sucking up to overmighty unions, Tories relying on dodgy capitalists. Politics cleaned up at a stroke.


Excellent, you've just signed taxpayer cheques for the BNP, SNP, British Freedom Party, Respect, Greens, Communists, Libertarians, English Democrats, The Christian Party, Socialists Workers Party, and a whole load of other minority parties.

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I quite fancy the idea of having equal dibs at democracy and having it all paid for. So if I decided to stand as an independent candidate how much money would I get paid to support me, my campaign, my campaign workers, printing, office costs, transport, etc, etc, etc for a few years until the next general election and then afterwards until the next election, for ever more, even if I don't get elected?




State funded politics is a terrible idea. Once the incumbents get to decide the rules you'll create an even more exclusive political club, not a fairer system without dark corners.

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Excellent, you've just signed taxpayer cheques for the BNP, SNP, British Freedom Party, Respect, Greens, Communists, Libertarians, English Democrats, The Christian Party, Socialists Workers Party, and a whole load of other minority parties.


Yes I have, I would set up a tribunal headed by a Judge, all parties would make their representations and the tribunal would allocate funds as they judged appropriate. Political activists would be able to devote time and effort to their cause as they wished, but they would not be able to donate money.


The amount of money from public funds would not be onerous and, as I stated earlier would clean up politics at a stroke.

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