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Corrupt tory scum

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The current system of funding already works perfectly well. Parties get membership and donations based on the popular support for their policies and principles, and going forward those people get to influence it's future direction, which is fair enough since they're funding it.


It's free market economics in politics. Each party takes their product to market, and people buy it if they want it.


If the policies of smaller parties are not popular enough to gain support, why should the taxpayer fund them.

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It's easy isn't it? Rather than address the issue under discussion try and divert people's attention onto your own agenda.


Classic right wing methodology.


Its classic methodology of anybody really, its natural for anyone to divert negative attention away from themselves and on to something else.

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Its classic methodology of anybody really, its natural for anyone to divert negative attention away from themselves and on to something else.


It's called the companions in guilt move and it's very dubious, people use it to excuse their bad behaviour on the grounds that others also behave badly. We've all come across the person at work who pilfers stationary etc and uses the excuse that it's acceptable because everyone else does it, I don't see how other peoples bad behavior can in some way legitimise your own.

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Its classic methodology of anybody really, its natural for anyone to divert negative attention away from themselves and on to something else.


remember when the term "a good day to bury bad news" first entered the British vocabulary. Back in the days of Labour I think and happened on more than one occasion.

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The current system of funding already works perfectly well. Parties get membership and donations based on the popular support for their policies and principles, and going forward those people get to influence it's future direction, which is fair enough since they're funding it.


It's free market economics in politics. Each party takes their product to market, and people buy it if they want it.


If the policies of smaller parties are not popular enough to gain support, why should the taxpayer fund them.


" The current system of funding works perfectly we"ll?)


I believe the majority do not agree with that. If the unions continue to supprot labour and capitalists support the tories with all the dishonesty and unscupulous behavior that entails then we will continue to despise politicians and rightly so.


Lets make politics honest. Publicly fund it, in the manner I suggested earlier. Takes out the dishonesty and the tribalism, makes the politicians come up with policies and doesnt enable them to fall back on cliches that are outmoded and out of date.


If we continue as we are we will reach the same low level as the USA where you have to be backed by multi millionaires to even run.

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"Great Sunday Times scoop. What was Cameron thinking? No-one, rightly or wrongly, will believe his story.

Cameron should have just followed history and flogged some seats in the Lords, if they still have value! precedents of centuries .

Of course there must be a full independent inquiry on both sides. In great detail, and with consequences. Trust must be established.

Without trust, democracy, and order will go"



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remember when the term "a good day to bury bad news" first entered the British vocabulary. Back in the days of Labour I think and happened on more than one occasion.


Politicians have been doing that since before the Second World War; we just didn't get a leaked e-mail about it until 2001.

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I find it rather odd that some folk are rightly outraged about this incident yet don't seem convcerned about a very similar incident a few years ago when 3 Labour Peers were caught offering exactly the same sort of access but lining their own pockets.

It seems that political points scoring is clearly more important to many than any corruption or criminality that might be occuring. If that's the case political parties have little to fear as outrage will only occur in people who wouldn't vote for them anyway.

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" The current system of funding works perfectly we"ll?)


I believe the majority do not agree with that. If the unions continue to supprot labour and capitalists support the tories with all the dishonesty and unscupulous behavior that entails then we will continue to despise politicians and rightly so.


Lets make politics honest. Publicly fund it, in the manner I suggested earlier. Takes out the dishonesty and the tribalism, makes the politicians come up with policies and doesnt enable them to fall back on cliches that are outmoded and out of date.


If we continue as we are we will reach the same low level as the USA where you have to be backed by multi millionaires to even run.


Why should a single penny of money I work for, go towards poitical parties that I don't agree with?

Far better that I have the freedom to donate to or join a political party if I choose to.

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