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Corrupt tory scum

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How would that work, Anna? Do away with democracy too?


I have no idea, but as previous poster says we have precious little real democracy left in its present guise.


The trouble is that to change things we have to get them passed by Parliament, and they are not going to sanction anything which isn't in their best interests. Turkeys don't vote for Christmas. So we need some radical new thinking. Oliver Cromwell marched into Parliament and disolved it at a stroke, (with the backing of his own personal army...) and things changed.


The internet is something new that politicians haven't reckoned with. It can be used to organise and discuss, and is truly representative of the people, (which is why they're itching to get it closed down.) I don't think its power has even been scratched so far. It is a bit like our version of the army without the funny helmets and the bloodshed.


New ideas are being tried out all the time. If a guy can organise something like Wikipedia, or twitter, then a new way of voting for policy without the intervention of politicians should be possible. I'm no computer geek so my knowledge is very limited, but there are minds way superior to mine who know how to do these things. I think some serious, feasible, working suggestions are already online.


I'm not saying we don't need any politicians, but we can certainly do with less, and curtail their power.

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I don't see a problem at all here. It's gone on for years and is not exclusive to the Tories.


What does concern me though us the £50,000,000 we send over to the EU every day.


A disgrace.

Exactly!..........the great politicos teaparty in Brussels! the biggest parcel of freeloading rogues ever,............set up by politicians for politicians.

The EU or the 4th Reich as it is now known,is the real thing we should be getting hot under the collar about.Costing billions and totally unnecessary,that is what you get with unregulated politics.

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I don't see a problem at all here. It's gone on for years and is not exclusive to the Tories.


What does concern me though us the £50,000,000 we send over to the EU every day.


A disgrace.


You can't just sweep it under the carpet

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I have no idea, but as previous poster says we have precious little real democracy left in its present guise.


The trouble is that to change things we have to get them passed by Parliament, and they are not going to sanction anything which isn't in their best interests. Turkeys don't vote for Christmas. So we need some radical new thinking. Oliver Cromwell marched into Parliament and disolved it at a stroke, (with the backing of his own personal army...) and things changed.


The internet is something new that politicians haven't reckoned with. It can be used to organise and discuss, and is truly representative of the people, (which is why they're itching to get it closed down.) I don't think its power has even been scratched so far. It is a bit like our version of the army without the funny helmets and the bloodshed.


New ideas are being tried out all the time. If a guy can organise something like Wikipedia, or twitter, then a new way of voting for policy without the intervention of politicians should be possible. I'm no computer geek so my knowledge is very limited, but there are minds way superior to mine who know how to do these things. I think some serious, feasible, working suggestions are already online.


I'm not saying we don't need any politicians, but we can certainly do with less, and curtail their power.



And people call me right wing!


Cromwell, Franco, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Pick your dictator.


No parliament necessary then? Just appoint some generalissimo and all will be well?


Study histrory. Recall what your predecessors have fought and died for.


The way to put this right is for us, the people to refuse to further tolerate the shenanigans of the westminster elite.


Publicly fund politica lparties, make them finacially accountable. Ban or seriously limit the money that can be donated from vested interests.


Never abandon your right to vote.

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I don't see a problem at all here. It's gone on for years and is not exclusive to the Tories.


What does concern me though us the £50,000,000 we send over to the EU every day.


A disgrace.


Now you are talking!!!!!

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the answer is not too many miles away, the swiss voting system on a damn lot of policies,


the way it works, i feel that beef should only be eaten on a wednesday, if 20,000 people agree with me ,its put directly to the people in a ballot, they either vote for beef on wednesday or dont,


now thats direct democracy !!!

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