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Future of the coalition: Link with Tories will go on, top Lib Dem says

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Is this man deluded or just plain mad? Does he think he will still be an MP after 2015?


Danny Alexander, in the Independent on Sunday


'The coalition could continue beyond the next general election, with the Liberal Democrats tethered to Tory spending plans for a further two years, Danny Alexander, suggested yesterday.


The Chief Secretary to the Treasury, who wrote the Lib Dem 2010 manifesto, effectively ruled out a coalition with Labour by saying his party could only have different spending commitments from the Tories once the national deficit is eradicated.


In remarks that are likely to worry party grassroots, who already fear the Lib Dems are too closely aligned to the Tories, Mr Alexander told The Times: "The Liberal Democrats are an independent party ... But what we are committed to doing as a government ... is to maintain our fiscal consolidation until it's completed. That will involve making some choices about the first two years of the next Parliament. That doesn't preclude the Liberal Democrats from offering a different direction of public spending once that process is completed."


He added: "I'm absolutely certain the coalition will not just stay together until 2015 but continue to make big choices for this country."'

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The LibDems will have nothing else to live for. They have tied themselves to the Tories for life now, without them they will become extinct.


I cannot wait until the next major election to see just how un popular they have become.


Nick Clegg has turned a straight up, moral over popularity party into a group of tagger on, power hungry wanna be Torries.


Tethered being the best word for it, but the tether is round the LibDems necks and they are always going to be led by their Tory masters from now on.



(I voted LibDem by the way, can you tell ?)

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People seem to overlook the fact that if the LibDems hadn't done what they did, we might have ended up with Labour again. They may have annihilated themselves, we can hope not, but they did it for the best reason, to save the country from that inept, if not merely corrupt, shower.


I find it hard to believe that people are actually intending to vote Labour in the next General Election, or are you just hoping that your voters really do have the memory span of a goldfish?


Sheffield may, but there is a whole country out there, they can't all be that deluded, surely?

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People seem to overlook the fact that if the LibDems hadn't done what they did, we might have ended up with Labour again. They may have annihilated themselves, we can hope not, but they did it for the best reason, to save the country from that inept, if not merely corrupt, shower.


I find it hard to believe that people are actually intending to vote Labour in the next General Election, or are you just hoping that your voters really do have the memory span of a goldfish?


Sheffield may, but there is a whole country out there, they can't all be that deluded, surely?


Labour are 8 points ahead in the polls. Suggesting people who disagree with you are "deluded" is arrogant twaddle, you presumptuous popinjay.

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People seem to overlook the fact that if the LibDems hadn't done what they did, we might have ended up with Labour again. They may have annihilated themselves, we can hope not, but they did it for the best reason, to save the country from that inept, if not merely corrupt, shower.


I find it hard to believe that people are actually intending to vote Labour in the next General Election, or are you just hoping that your voters really do have the memory span of a goldfish?


Sheffield may, but there is a whole country out there, they can't all be that deluded, surely?



Go and have a good drink!:hihi:

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People seem to overlook the fact that if the LibDems hadn't done what they did, we might have ended up with Labour again.


I think you're wrong there. If a new election had been forced in 2010/early 2011 we'd have ended up with a Conservative government with a majority big enough to do whatever it liked. Much as the Labour supporters on here like to blame the LibDems for everything, they are restricting what the Conservatives can do - you only have to listen to how much the Conservative back benchers moan to see that.


It took nearly two decades for the public to forget Labour's economic mismanagement in the 70s, those who think they are going to forget Gordon's mismanagement in a couple of years are deluding themselves.

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