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Rape now an excuse for rioting

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WeX lets me and you take a trip down sheffield magistrates this afternoon and we'll see all the ridiculous excuses people give for their crimes. I wonder why this one in particular has been highlighted.


As for 'doing rape victims a diservice', I did not realise we were a homogenous group of people who rely on each other for our reputations.

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Quite. At best it can lead to erratic behaviour and at worst, a dissociative state of mind where one's moral compass is totally skewed and one starts indulging in aberrrant behaviour as a means of blocking it out.


What disturbs me, as with virtually all rapes, is a refusal on behalf of many people to believe it. The default position for some to label the woman a liar at best or at worst, accuse of her of 'asking for it'.


when a woman fails to report a rape, in this case and then uses it as an excuse in an attempt to excuse her criminal activity, its only right that people should question such a claim, especially such a serious one.


There is clear evidence of person falsely making rape accusations in order to divert attention away from their own criminal activity. If this wasn't the case, there would be no need for organisations such as the False Rape Society who provide support and guidance to those people maliciously accused of such a heinous crime.


This woman failed to report the crime and waited until she was accused of crimes herself before making the allegation, knowing full well the vast majority of evidence has been lost. I'm sorry if I find it hard to believe her story, but it is not my fault she has acted in this way.


I hope that if she was raped, there is still evidence enough to convict her attacker, but if her story is as flimsy as it appears and she is trying it on, I hope she is punished to the full extent of the law and made an example of to other would be false rape accusers.


Still even if she was raped, I do not see how taking part is riots, stealing property and handling stolen goods is an acceptable way to behave.

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WeX lets me and you take a trip down sheffield magistrates this afternoon and we'll see all the ridiculous excuses people give for their crimes. I wonder why this one in particular has been highlighted.


As for 'doing rape victims a diservice', I did not realise we were a homogenous group of people who rely on each other for our reputations.


false rape allegations can destroy a persons life. Silly excuses such as "my foot fell asleep and that's why I was speeding" is hardly a comparison to false rape.

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false rape allegations can destroy a persons life. Silly excuses such as "my foot fell asleep and that's why I was speeding" is hardly a comparison to false rape.


I'm a bit confused. Has it been found that the rape allegation was false? Was someone arrested for rape?

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false rape allegations can destroy a persons life. Silly excuses such as "my foot fell asleep and that's why I was speeding" is hardly a comparison to false rape.


Rape where either a woman's attacker(s) walk(s) free, is never caught or she is unable to face reporting it, or her attacker is found guilty, also destroys lives, relationships and families, far more so than the occasional man who is falsely accused and prosecuted.


The whole false rape phenomenon has been blown out of proportion by irresponsible media reporting, misogyny, hysterical men and the appallingly low conviction rates, which some infer is proof of the accused's innocence.

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She's the daughter of a millionaire and from the 'mitigating circumstances' (And I use the term loosely) I've heard in the news, she's throwing as much crap at the wall and seeing what sticks.


The low class rioters all got lengthy prison terms, will this upper-middle class lawyer clad girl go to jail? I'd be hugely surprised if that happened.

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Rape where either a woman's attacker(s) walk(s) free, is never caught or she is unable to face reporting it, or her attacker is found guilty, also destroys lives, relationships and families, far more so than the occasional man who is falsely accused and prosecuted.


The whole false rape phenomenon has been blown out of proportion by irresponsible media reporting, misogyny, hysterical men and the appallingly low conviction rates, which some infer is proof of the accused's innocence.


do you think that being raped is more damaging to a person that being falsely accused of rape?

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