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Breeding rabbits!!


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It's not always easy either. You have to be prepared for the bad times. Some rabbits decapitate their babies. Some babies just die with no obvious cause. I once had a litter of French lops where I collected at least 15 body parts from the hutch. No babies survived and no way of counting how many were actually born. The mother just went mad and chomped them all up. Hand rearing if the mother rejects them is really difficult and often results in the loss of the litter.

Sorry to put a downer on it but that's the practicality. Breeding of any animal is not for the faint hearted. If you still insist you want to breed tho, I would be happy to answer any questions you may have, as I'm sure others on here will. Better to do it with knowledge than without x

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you would need to contact a good breeder to purchase a doe and buck. you must ensure you know at least 3 generations back of both rabbits so you know you are not breeding health problems in to the litters.


are you are going to breed them and keep them for yourself? are you prepared to keep 6 - 8 babies from each litter?


personally i think there is no reason whatsoever that people should be breeding rabbits with the amount in rescue. why dont you just go to a rescue and get a pair and keep them as pets?


i dont understand why you would want to breed to keep them all for yourself, it will be a nightmare and cost a fortune to keep them all fed, vaccinated, neutered etc





why do you need to add to the huge problem of rabbits in rescue?

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I think I read somewhere that the RSPCA have 30,000 rabbits looking for good homes, Thornberry have a lot. Not sure you've thought this one through Blue. Rabbit numbers can quickly get out of hand, the cost of keeping them properly would be very high. Am sure Thornberry or other rescues would love to rehome to you.

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  • 1 month later...

I think you'll find if you tried to breed them, that once done you'll be most likely giving them away or taking them to a rescue. there's so many unwanted pets out there, rabbits being the 3rd most popular and a seriously over abused and abandoned species, with thousands and thousands sitting in shelters and resuces this very second. not t mention all the ones being put to sleep because there's just no room :( if only people would be more responsible. :( I have 6 rescue bunnies myself, and would never buy from a breeder or pet store when there are bunnies dying while waiting for homes.


there's a school in Frivale and on Friday night about 10pm I spent 2 hours trying to catch a white bunny that was running free. either escaped, let loose or whatever. Broke my heart when I couldn't catch it. Went back there last night and no sign of it, so hopefully it's been found and is ok. We don't need more rabbit brought in to the world while the ones already here can't even be looked after. :( :( :(

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Bunnylove, that's upsetting that a rabbit might be lose in Firvale. If you think posters would do the trick, with possibly saying a reward if found, I would willingly pay the reward. Doesn't bear thinking about what could happen to a rabbit on the loose an an inner-city area, poor thing. If anyone then sees it, I'm sure some kind forumers would help you catch it. x

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many times I have rescued abandoned bunnies on fields ,in woods etc some people think they can live in the wild but they can't as we have domesticated them ! even though my pets can make tunnels they would have no idea of how to avoid preditors or in some cases they would eat vegetation which would make them ill.

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magsie, I'll do some up tomorrow and put them around. it's a main road we travel every day to and from work. I'll ring the college tomorrow and some surrounding places like vets etc...it's really heartbreaking to think if it's out there. I just really want to get it off the roads. I'll do a post as well specifically for it.


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