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Why are the poor being targeted.

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"Heaven help us if the lower rungs of society really do think any different"

" Lower classes" So says Conrad.

What a pompous fellow you must be. Looking down on everyone from your ivory tower.


Its all bluster, every day he probably sits alone at home doing an inventory of all his inadequacies.

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Workers unions only came into being because of bad employers.unions became over powerful and so Thatcher spent billions to break them. Whether you are in a union or not,if you are an employee,many of the rights and conditions which you now enjoy were won by the trade union movement.

There is nothing wrong with good trades unions and the principle of collective bargaining.Post war German economyhas thrived with such a system.

Unfortunately ours has not.

Anyway back to the thread.

Somebody above has stated that cigs and booze are unnecessary luxuries.

Isn't that the definition of a luxury,something you don't need but you enjoy.could be a cigarette,a drink,a cruise, a car etc etc.It depends on your circumstances,and certainly taxes on beer and cigs have always been considered as taxes which fell heaviest on the working man who had these little pleasure after flogging his guts out in a factory,steelworks,coal mine or whatever.

And referring to another poster,not everybody can get to rise up the pile however hard they work.There will always be more people towards the bottom of the pyramid than those sat on the top.



I am not going to debate with you the origins of unions, we will end up with the Tolpuddle martyrs, your post reads like you have learned by rote the outpourings of the Daily Worker.


We are in the 21st Century. You mates in the LABOUR party have bankrupted the country. The Tories, as they have several times in the recent past got the job of clearing up the mess.


The only contribution from the Unions is that the tanker drivers are going on strike.


If you are happy to stay at the bottom of the pyramid dont envy those who wish to climb it.

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You mates in the LABOUR party have bankrupted the country. The Tories, as they have several times in the recent past got the job of clearing up the mess.



You think the Labour party were responsible for the banks' sub-prime lending??



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You think the Labour party were responsible for the banks' sub-prime lending??




Yes, they were the government, they are responsible for the supervision of the banks. Prime Minister = First Lord of the Treasury.

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There are many who are not " At the bottom of the pile" but still feel for the less fortunate and for the hard working who do not earn large wages. I suppose because I am quite comfortably "financially off ", I should also look down on them. Ordinary working families also don,t agree with the workshy and idlers so don,t class them all the same.

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Am I required to present you with a CV?


No need, I've just found it.


The one I have got,


I worked for the National Coal Board as a face worker from leaving school to the pit closing in 1986, I then worked in the steel industry for ten years again made redundant.


What did I get out of it? A few quid redundancy and a tendency to chest illnesses.


I went to work as a Security Guard in 1996. I work a nice rota with regular days off, I like the sites I work on, and I get on with the customer, his visitors and employees. The firm I work for (we are contractors) is family owned, I can talk to the gaffer if I am unhappy and although I dont always get what I want they are fair. I get paid accurately and on time.


I actually love it.

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