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Why are the poor being targeted.

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I agree. And the attacks on the poor seem to happen more often when there is a recession, which was caused mainly in the financial sector. Hardly the fault of the poor themselves. George Osborne pretty much admitted as much in the speech before he went on to famously say that "we are all in it together".

What is even more peculiar that very often the attacks come from those who are little more than poor themselves, often egged on by the gutter press.


To be fair, the very lowest paid wont now pay any tax at all; this is probably the Libdem influence within the coalition.

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To be fair, the very lowest paid wont now pay any tax at all; this is probably the Libdem influence within the coalition.


Indeed, but as I said some of the most vicious attacks come from the poorer members of society - often egged on by the bluetops. Why keep a dog and bark yourself?

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Why are the poor targetted?


Because they can't fight back. Simples.


They have their unions, thier councillors thier socialist bleeding heart MPs, thier opinions are constantly sought by the media.


The have plenty of opportunities to fight back. Instead they sit on the floorboards eating their takeaway and watching thier mentor Jeremy Kyle the 42 inch plasma. When that goes off or the meter runs out they can mate and produce more feral offspring. A full life.

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They have their unions, thier councillors thier socialist bleeding heart MPs, thier opinions are constantly sought by the media.


The have plenty of opportunities to fight back. Instead they sit on the floorboards eating their takeaway and watching thier mentor Jeremy Kyle the 42 inch plasma. When that goes off or the meter runs out they can mate and produce more feral offspring. A full life.


To be a union member you obviously need to be a working person in employment...the lifestyle you speak of isn't typical of your average politically aware worker is it?

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They have their unions, thier councillors thier socialist bleeding heart MPs


What, like that brave boy Ed Milliband? Put where he is by Unite but too scared to actually back them in a strike! He can't even take the opportunity to say "Yeah, Unite backed me and I back them, it's not dissimilar to the Tories' cash-for-access except it's public and overt, so what of it?"


Labour councillors just as self-serving as those of any other party, they're too busy bickering with everyone who's not in their club to have time for the poor, and their party was taken over by the middle class in the 1990s anyway.


Some representation that is!

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To be a union member you obviously need to be a working person in employment...the lifestyle you speak of isn't typical of your average politically aware worker is it?


Of course not, the person who works, who strives to support him/herself and their family is the bedrock on which this country survives. I may not agree with that persons politics but I honour them and feel privelidged to work and live alongside them. I extend that those who are genuinely incapacitated or who have earned their retirement.


It is those who will not work the takers, the whinging "victimes" who make no contribution and have no excuse not to.

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Drink and cigs being targeted yet again,working class people and the poor are having to put up with high rise in taxes on these.For people on good incomes its a small dent in their wallet,why are ordinary people having to suffer.I am very dissapointed in this goverment they are doing nothing for the poor,and more could be done to help the elderly and vulnerable.Thumbs down across the board for the tories.


The poor do not vote, hence the get hammered.

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The poor do not vote, hence the get hammered.


Of course they can vote. There is no better place in the world to be poor, if you are ill you get treated for nothing. If you need accomodation it will be found for you, also you will recieve regular benefits.


Wonderful system, shame it gets abused so much.

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It's been explained before that if the Tories were only supported by the rich, they'd have a tiny percentage of the vote - not more than half.


Perhaps your post would be more accurate if re-worded along the lines of Tories support those who are willing to put in some effort and contribute to the system, Labour sells its soul to the voters of the underclass who want a free ride at the expense of tax payers.


The comments on this thread are unbelievable. We get a tax increase here not on essentials, but luxuries - and health-damaging luxuries at that - and the lefties interpret that as an attack on the poor. If anything, it's helping people who are too uneducated/dim/plain stupid to realise that on their limited incomes they should not be spending at all on tobacco or alcohol.


Heaven help us if the lower rungs of society really do think any different.

SO FUNNY :hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi: BUT TRUE
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