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Why are the poor being targeted.

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It's been explained before that if the Tories were only supported by the rich, they'd have a tiny percentage of the vote - not more than half.


But they don't have more than half of the vote, and they haven't done so for an awful long time.

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Lies lies and beautifull false promises. A big smile and false promise bait like a fisherman throws his bait for the fishes to come at election.


Most people are not capable to see that politicians are the biggest liers in universe and to believe in them is rather stupid.

As soon as you stop the whole game, just get rid of them in your mind, stop getting involved, move on not giving them any room in your live. Live goes on 1000 times better without politicians even if they keep jumping round playing their games in zoo of monkey lords.

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Drink and cigs being targeted yet again,working class people and the poor are having to put up with high rise in taxes on these.For people on good incomes its a small dent in their wallet,why are ordinary people having to suffer.I am very dissapointed in this goverment they are doing nothing for the poor,and more could be done to help the elderly and vulnerable.Thumbs down across the board for the tories.


Basically the tactic is not so much 'anti-poor' as 'divide and rule'. The government picks on certain groups and issues, like public sector pensions, tells lies about them ('gold plated pensions') then gets the right wing press to spread their ideas and demonise every public sector worker, so that people don't listen to their arguments for a fair pension. By portraying all public sector workers as better off than the private sector, it shifts the argument into a self-immolating one about 'No one should have any more than me' and stops people uniting against the government. In fact, there are strikes about pensions happening in the private sector, but you don't hear much about it in the press.

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Poverty is relative - how many under 5's in this country don't get to see their 5th Birthday compared to recent coverage of Sports Relief?


As for who is really in control spend just over 2 hours watching


No really, don't. Not if you value your sanity.

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