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The Tramlines Festival 2012 Megathread


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I'm done now - I can see that you're a good few feet up your own arse in snobbery and I haven't got the time or patience for people like you.


For anyone else, I just uploaded my photos of Frankie Rose from the stage at Barkers Pool to Flickr if you're interested. Click here.


Are you on drugs? If not you should consider it.

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Well almost. Sunday night 10,000 folk unable to get into see We Are Scientists on the Main Stage. If only those folk had known that the band did a warm up gig in a cafe/bar on Saturday.

Which bar did this happen in?

I had a stonking weekend as always! People just need to come out.

First of all loads of venues are unofficially linked to Tramlines and are just doing their Saturday night thing so that's probably why they are not in the programme i.e. Acoustic Loveliness at Rutland.

The programme was great - next year, I agree with someone further up a central venue across the top, time down the side type menu in the middle would be a great addition.

The app didn't work for me as I've got the wrong Iphone, my fault for not looking first... but it's the first year.

Anyway, I saw.... Reverend main stage, Oxo Foxo Cathedral(Friday was a quiet one) Didn't get myself in town early enough for Jonny Foreigner on the tram.

Sat- Weston Park in the sunshine for Early Cartographers and Screaming Maldini, The brilliant Busker's bus for Stuart Faulkner, Fat Cat for EPB, Dada - Slow Moves -unofficial venue - Cathedral David J Roch, Nandos Future of the left, Nathan Holme and Stuart Faulkner on the bus then I was ready for home.

Sun - EPB main stage, Steve Edwards the bus, Standard Fare the bus, Early Cartographers the bus, Mark Morriss the cathedral, Breakdancing on the world stage, Mark Morriss the bus, We are Scientists - I was late and walked more or less straight in, Alvarez Kings at the Hop, someother random band at the Hop and Stuart Faulkner on the last bus which was ace!

Yes there are secret sets I missed and clashes but I couldn't do everything and I had a lovely time! People are in such good moods and apart from the scenesters who were also amusing Keith Murray, it was great - kept a lot of the undesirables away this year by not posting Olly Murs on the main stage and a lot of the part time music fans who don't ever pay to get music in our city but then moan about a free festival.

Want to say a big thanks to all the people who busted guts - often for free this weekend whether in bands, bars or general organising, I reght enjoyed it. Thank you!

Can't wait for Sheftival - Bring it on!

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They need to make it paid next year, too many people really.


The farce with the programme/App can easily be addressed by charging £10 for the weekend and giving both away in the price. It also stops the usual muppets turning up.


Even though I had a queue jump, I avoided places such as the Bowery/Frog due to the amount of people inside.


something also needs to be done with regards to bands and venues. Leaving promoters to book bands just results in the biggest bands (ie Alt-J) playing in a small venue and lots of people missing out.

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They need to make it paid next year, too many people really.


The farce with the programme/App can easily be addressed by charging £10 for the weekend and giving both away in the price. It also stops the usual muppets turning up.


YES, I COULDN'T AGREE MORE! I definitely think a small fee is the way forwards. Although it wasn't an issue for me this year (the only acts I were interested in weren't particular high profile) I remember when Mystery Jets were on a few years back the atmosphere was ruined by people who had no interest in the band and were just there for the sake of it/pickpocketing and causing trouble.


I think a small fee would kill these types of punters off and the money could go towards booking more high profile acts and keep the festival growing.

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I totally do not agree it should be changed to a paid music event

The free nature of it makes the festival what it is

There is now Sheftival for those who want a more traditional festival


Tramlines opes up music to everyone and it just would not be the same (or as successful) if it had been a charged event


If programmes really were a big issue (and enough people have now said it was) then all that needs doing is organisers next year to make sure they are more available on the weekend, have sellers like football programme sellers

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Brilliant weekend. The only negatives, apart from a couple of acts I was disappointed in, were the too-weak PA at the Nando's stage (Future of The Left sounded just tinny, which is a real shame), and the rude bar staff at The Great Gatsby (won't be going back there). I utterly, utterly loved all threee days.

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If they charged for the weekend then I believe most venues, including us, would cease to take part. Not everyone's business model can survive with a door charge, in particular on the two busiest nights of the week of Friday and Saturday.


In my opinion Tramlines works so well because it is a free festival with an open and diverse remit, unlimited remit even given that almost EVERY genre of music was covered.


This year was absolutely astounding and with such an electric atmosphere and Dave, James, Sarah and the rest of the team behind the concept deserve all the praise in the world for their continued hard work and unbridled dedication.



I gather from correspondence with the organisers that this year the festival, in it's 3rd year, still may not be operating at a healthy profit but I think it could and will long term based on the existing free entry model. The only criticism I may have is that I suspect there may be a number of acts represented by booking agents commanding a mixed range of small to large fees paid directly from the festival's budget whose inclusion on the bills does not bring in extra custom or revenue to justify their fee and appearance and the powers that be might need to become more shrewd on that front if this suspicion of mine is indeed the case. It'd be a shame if the festival was not able to continue and/or stay free entry because the portion of festival turnover dedicated to the entertainments' budget was not maximised and used effectively.

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I'm not talking about a charge-per-venue on the door/gate. I'm talking about a weekend pass for about £5-£10 that would get you in anywhere with just a flash. Besides its not the bars and pubs I see the problem with anyway, most of the tag-along-for-the-sake-of-its tend to only hit the more obvious outdoor venues anyway, ie. Barkers Pool and Devonshire Green.


Anyway, it's gonna be sh*t or bust eventually because Newcastle's Evolution Festival started out as a proud to be free event and now it's about £40 for the weekend and the price increases every year; it's the only way to keep it 'improving' although the last time I was impressed with anything they had on there was 2010 (The Horrors, Delphic and Egyptian Hip Hop and Dananananaykroyd).

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I'm not talking about a charge-per-venue on the door/gate. I'm talking about a weekend pass for about £5-£10 that would get you in anywhere with just a flash. Besides its not the bars and pubs I see the problem with anyway, most of the tag-along-for-the-sake-of-its tend to only hit the more obvious outdoor venues anyway, ie. Barkers Pool and Devonshire Green.


But how does that work for people just wanting to go to the pub? Venues would have to choose whether to be exclusive to tramlines or to not be part of it.


The outdoor stages don't need bigger acts either. The acts this year were smaller than last year, and it worked better. If the acts are too big, it takes people away from the breadth of the festival, and puts them in the queue starting somewhere near Actinsons. While it would be amazing for the city to have U2 headline the stage on the Saturday night for free, it would also ruin the event for the many people who were determined to go see them, but never got within a mile of the start of the queue.

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