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Twitter racist jailed

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What difference is there between this case and that of Joshau Cryer, who got community service for sending racist tweets to Stan Collymore? (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-17462619)


Very little, since both were convicted.


The difference in sentence could be because of a difference in severity (I don't know what Cryer typed), or in circumstances (Collymore wasn't laid in a hospital bed fighting for his life), or it could even be just because one judge gives out harsher sentences than another one.

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It's harsh.


I'm not sure crimes that physically hurt nobody, or take anything from anybody should be punishable by prison.


He's written something racist about Muamba on the internet, hundreds of people will have done the same thing.


I agree with whoever said the judge got caught up in the moment, would he have been jailed if Muamba wasn't famous? I don't think so.


I mean really, put it into perspective, there are people who have killed people and not gone to jail, in comparison this is ridiculous.


Ask yourself, if someone made a racist remark against you, would you really want them to go to prison? I know I wouldn't.

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He was quite liberal with the n word


Bad reporting from the media, it's difficult to judge for yourself if they don't give all the details.


How did he try to incite hatred then? Being racist isn't actually a crime.

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I in no way condone what this guy said, it was insensitive and racists but did it deserve jail time? After all does he not have freedom of speech?


What a stupid comment. Freedom of speech does not mean everyone can say whatever they want at any time. For example, you can't say "let's go round to fruitisbad's place and kill him and his entire family" because that would be incitement and conspiracy to commit murder. There are other limits to free speech such as defamation, data protection, official secrets, client confidentiality, etc. If you don't know things like that you shouldn't be commenting on criminal matters.

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Ask yourself, if someone made a racist remark against you, would you really want them to go to prison? I know I wouldn't.


Now ask yourself, if you were laid in intensive care fighting for your life with a better than 50/50 chance of dying, and someone said that you deserved to die, he hoped you died, and you weren't worth spending hospital money on because you were a lower-class form of life anyway ....

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Now ask yourself, if you were laid in intensive care fighting for your life with a better than 50/50 chance of dying, and someone said that you deserved to die, he hoped you died, and you weren't worth spending hospital money on because you were a lower-class form of life anyway ....


Now ask yourself, if this had been said about joe bloggs off arbourthorne instead of this football guy would the response have been as swift and harsh?

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