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Twitter racist jailed

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http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-17515992...I in no way condone what this guy said, it was insensitive and racists but did it deserve jail time? ...
The world is full of bullies. There are those who pick on people because of the colour of their skin, perhaps simply by calling them names in a public place, and there are those who bully under the guise of being a 'good person'. I recall bullies from my old school, and they included racists, although not all bullies are racist by any means. They were often dealt with once they were known to the teachers, and some reformed, I guess, but there were some who carried on bullying into later life, and finding ever more sophisticated ways to do so.


Probably the best way to ruin someone's life is to label them as a pariah of some sort, and what better than to call them a racist! These kids soon catch on to, and perfect, this method of bullying. Being racist is pretty much indefensible, and fashionably deemed to be pretty much as bad as being a sex offender, so the bully is on to a winner from the start: they can really lay into their victim and secure widespread support from high-up. They can campaign for the total destruction of that individual, and secure punishment for them that goes way beyond the punishment meted out for other comparable transgressions. It makes them feel good, because rather than disapproving of the racists comments, and shunning them, they can actually cause them pain.


I think one needs to look deep inside oneself at times in order to understand what it is that motivates us to do what we do to other people. Do we really live such virtuous lives that we can feel glad that someone else's life has been ruined for making insulting remarks? There's no hope of reforming this guy now. He's destroyed. It doesn't matter what he does now, or how he changes, he's destroyed, finished, end of; and all for some hurtful remarks that he made. Satisfied?

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He didnt incite anyone..really what about all those who were shocked by the happenings at White Hart Lane I bet if he had been in the middle of the pitch shouting what he did ,he wouldnt have got off it..ergo he would be guilty of inciting a crowd or persons to commit a criminal act.He got what he deserved even if it was for just being stupid end of he now has a few weeks in prison, and less prospects than he had before, to ponder on his stupidity.

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He had a heart attack in front of thousands of people at the ground and millions watching TV.


If it's fair to assume that he had undiagnosed heart problems and he was due to have a heart attack any time, then he was extremely lucky to have his heart attack in that situation with medics, doctors and ambulance on site ready to deal with any emergency.


If it had happened anywhere else he would almost certainly have died.

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