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Twitter racist jailed

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He didn;'t keep his thoughts to himself, he promoted them through a public channel. The context being that his victim was in a coma clinging to life. His actions weren't all that different from those of "RIP troll" Colm Coss, who served time.


"Stacey broke down in tears as he was led away to begin his jail term." :D He can dish it out but he can't take it. Wimp.


For various reasons as I and others have stated we should have the right to voice our opinions in any way we please, either verbally or in writing - and obvious social networking websites designed for this purpose such as Facebook and Twitter are where people can and should be allowed to exercise this right.

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Whole heartedly agree, free speech must be protected at all costs.


The Freedom of Speech argument is a red herring - we DO have freedom of speech, but this doesn't extend to the right of thugs to spout racist abuse. I have no issue with that limitation.


However I do not think that he should have been sent to jail. Fine him, ban him, restrict his access to social networks and give him some community service time.

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If these oppressive infringements was happening in China I would understand, but this is Britain where we've fought world wars for the freedoms and rights we have today.


The people I knew who fought in the last war, such as my father (who was also alive during WWI) and various uncles didn't put their lives at risk just so people could spout vile abuse whenever they felt like it. I think they would have been offended and saddened by 'freedom of speech' being used in that way.


The freedoms we enjoy surely should be tempered with respect for other people. The student was supposedly clever (he was at university) yet he obviously lacked the basic intelligence to think before he wrote. I believe too many people make ill considered statements without thinking or caring about the effects they may have on others.


If people's behaviour has a detrimental effect on someone else, then action should be taken regardless of their ethnicity, religion, age, sexuality etc. I wasn't sure the student should have been sent to jail, however if the sentence acts as a warning to others, then its probably the right outcome.

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The people I knew who fought in the last war, such as my father (who was also alive during WWI) and various uncles didn't put their lives at risk just so people could spout vile abuse whenever they felt like it. I think they would have been offended and saddened by 'freedom of speech' being used in that way.


That's the thing about freedom, if you limit it to things that you approve of then it's not really freedom anymore.

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If it's fair to assume that he had undiagnosed heart problems and he was due to have a heart attack any time, then he was extremely lucky to have his heart attack in that situation with medics, doctors and ambulance on site ready to deal with any emergency.


If it had happened anywhere else he would almost certainly have died.


What's your point?

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