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Twitter racist jailed

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The people I knew who fought in the last war, such as my father (who was also alive during WWI) and various uncles didn't put their lives at risk just so people could spout vile abuse whenever they felt like it. I think they would have been offended and saddened by 'freedom of speech' being used in that way.


The freedoms we enjoy surely should be tempered with respect for other people. The student was supposedly clever (he was at university) yet he obviously lacked the basic intelligence to think before he wrote. I believe too many people make ill considered statements without thinking or caring about the effects they may have on others.


If people's behaviour has a detrimental effect on someone else, then action should be taken regardless of their ethnicity, religion, age, sexuality etc. I wasn't sure the student should have been sent to jail, however if the sentence acts as a warning to others, then its probably the right outcome.


My thoughts too.


He claimed he had been drinking when he posted on twitter, so maybe alcohol clouded his judgment. There is another lesson learnt. Either way, he is going to have many many hours in his cell to reflect on his stupid behaviour.

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Which I don't really understand as he didn't appear to be inciting anything.





Encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior).

Urge or persuade (someone) to act in a violent or unlawful way: "he incited loyal subjects to rebellion".


Simply being highly offensive and racist is not an incitement to do something.

If you do it in public in such a way that someone is likely to punch you then it's behaviour that may lead to a breach of the peace (or something like that).

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phew, made it through the night.


er yeah. it was hardly a call to arms, he might of got a smack down the local if someone recocgnised him but I think that's the limit of physical agrivation that could be caused. I think the law has been used and interpreted in the wrong way here.


I guess though he just pleased guilty as he was ashamed of what he did. the bad thing about that is if this becomes a precident. I have no doubt that if he had fought the case he could have won, but that would have meant sending out the message that he was a racsist. so It was lose lose for him really

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so all the jokes going around about muamba all deserve prison sentences and for all those who repeat the jokes? no!

i'm unsure what the bloke actually said but i'm sure it dont deserve prison !


there loads of thiefs druggies etcc out there that get suspended sentences for burglaries and drugs offences that get away with it lightly


we've all said things out of turn especially when drunk!

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phew, made it through the night.


er yeah. it was hardly a call to arms, he might of got a smack down the local if someone recocgnised him but I think that's the limit of physical agrivation that could be caused. I think the law has been used and interpreted in the wrong way here.


I guess though he just pleased guilty as he was ashamed of what he did. the bad thing about that is if this becomes a precident. I have no doubt that if he had fought the case he could have won, but that would have meant sending out the message that he was a racsist. so It was lose lose for him really


Precedents (legally) are only set by higher level courts and only when the case is contested.

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