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Having trouble getting in bars!


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Over the last three or four weeks i have noticed an alarming increase in the number of bars that have stopped groups of 4+ people getting in.


This really annoys me as i often go out with my group of friends and there are about 6 or 7 of us at any given time. I can see the point of view that a big group of lads can be intimidating, but we are always smartly-dressed and well-behaved, we do not look like bruisers or trouble-causers.


What annoys me is that it is becoming more and more difficult to enjoy a drink in town with my mates, we have started splitting into smaller groups and leaving in two minute intervals to get into the next bar (often to find that we are still told that there is no room at the inn!).


Do women experience this problem?? And surely it only takes ONE person bent on causing trouble to start a brawl??? Is our money not good enough???? It's just getting a bit ridiculous in town at the moment, what does anyone else think???

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I've seen this in town quite a bit... I don't tend to have a problem in my group of ladies (6 or 7 of us usually) but when there's an equal number of fella's, we tend to split up into "couples" as we're more likely to all get in at the same time...


Another thing to note is that they're going ID crazy... Either that, or I'm beginning to look younger in my old age lol! :suspect:

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Originally posted by caprice

Another thing to note is that they're going ID crazy... Either that, or I'm beginning to look younger in my old age lol! :suspect:


Yes, that as well. My friend (who is 24) gets ID'd all the time now. A month ago he had never been asked in his life.


Thanks for the explanation DaBouncer but it really doesn't explain why someone with a clean track record such as myself, and my friends (who are regulars down town and have never been involved in ANY trouble, are turned away. If it's policy then it's a bad policy. I'm all for keeping the idiots out of bars but why should the minority ruin it for the rest of us??

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The solution is suprisingly simple. Just don't arrive at the door in a group. Split yourselves up into several groups then meet up inside, its not exactly rocket science.


If you are still getting turned away at that point, then there must be some other issues which you need to address.


I find making eye contact with the door staff and giving them a courtious 'evening fellas' always does the trick. I have never been refused entry into any Sheffield pub, with or without mates and I am a bloke.


Perhaps you have the benefit of looking really young for your age. If so, I envy you and don't see it as a burden.



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That's what we have to do. I don't think we should have to though. When i go out for a drink with my mates, i want to spend the night with my mates. Not splitting up like we've got something to hide and then reconvening in every bar.


I sometimes don't think that bouncers need a reason to turn people away. They just make something up on the spot.


Anyway, i doubt anything posted here will change the situation - just wanted to air my views on the subject.

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Originally posted by The_Sharp

I sometimes don't think that bouncers need a reason to turn people away. They just make something up on the spot.


Door staff don't need a reason to turn people a way. They can turn anybody away, with, or without reason.

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Another thing to note is that they're going ID crazy... Either that, or I'm beginning to look younger in my old age lol! :suspect: [/b]


This is happening more and more as most of the venues in town have been asked to take part in South Yorkshire Police's "Challenge 21" scheme.


Basically, if you look under 21, then you have to prove that your 18. This doesn't mean that you have to be 21 to get in, but you will / should get asked if you look under or around that age. In my opinion, it's a good scheme, but some places do take it to the extreme. My mate got asked for ID and he's 27!!! Thing is, he looks about 40!!!! I nearly wet myself laughing when he got asked!

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I'm 29, but I only ever go in local pubs (apart from Dev Cat on a Sunday) who all know me so I very rarely (if ever) get questioned.. In fact I've only ever been questioned about twice ever since I turned legal at 18, once at a pub in Cleethorpes when I was a student, and once when I was 19 in the Park Hotel on Parkside Road near the Wendy ground... But the Landlady was a daft old bat.

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Originally posted by bobby22

This is happening more and more as most of the venues in town have been asked to take part in South Yorkshire Police's "Challenge 21" scheme.


Basically, if you look under 21, then you have to prove that your 18. This doesn't mean that you have to be 21 to get in, but you will / should get asked if you look under or around that age. In my opinion, it's a good scheme, but some places do take it to the extreme. My mate got asked for ID and he's 27!!! Thing is, he looks about 40!!!! I nearly wet myself laughing when he got asked!


Lol thats what happens to some of our crowd! Us "young uns" (18/19) get in, and the 26/27 year olds get ID'd lol!


Mind you... I'm not too bothered about showing my ID, the piccy is not too bad, and I usually get some comment made on my name :hihi:

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