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Being Gay, what IS the unnatural reason then?

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It's telling how you see thinking of humans as animals is 'bringing themselves down'. We are animals, just with bigger and more complex brains.




Clarification, Wiki.

An animal is a taxonomic member of the Kingdom Animalia. For biologists, this includes human beings, although for the general public the term "animal" means only non-human animals.

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Clarification, Wiki.

An animal is a taxonomic member of the Kingdom Animalia. For biologists, this includes human beings, although for the general public the term "animal" means only non-human animals.


So we are animals then. Thanks for clearing that up.



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Clarification, Wiki.

An animal is a taxonomic member of the Kingdom Animalia. For biologists, this includes human beings, although for the general public the term "animal" means only non-human animals.


In a discussion about reason and causes, biology terms are more accurate, thanks :)

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Which shows exactly that you have misunderstood my question. .


Look, can't we just leave it, it's obvious we're not on the same wavelength here, and we're detracting somewhat from the topic. A topic that we're essentially agreed on. I wish I had never brought it up.


I really don't think I did misunderstand your question. You were asking whether or not attitudes towards paedophilia and homosexuality can be compared 'from the perspective of nature' as man-made constructs.


I was demonstrating that while they are indeed man-made constructs there are important, vital differences between them: that an aversion to children being sexually assaulted makes sense, logically, in a way that homophobia does not.


Presumably that doesn't really alter your question - which would extend to arguing that there's no difference between, say, genocide and the works of Bach as man-made constructs 'from the perspective of nature' - but it's an important point, one that's worth making, because some people are still 'confused' over whether or not the two things are comparable. There are people who believe that homosexuality is deviant and wrong in a comparable way to sexual abuse of a child - so I think that any attempt to link them, regardless of intention, needs to be clarified.

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Hallelujah sister! (brother?)
Sister ;)
Clarification, Wiki.

An animal is a taxonomic member of the Kingdom Animalia. For biologists, this includes human beings, although for the general public the term "animal" means only non-human animals.

For an example of the accuracy of the thought processes of the general public, spend ten minutes reading this forum, or any other that's open to the general public for that matter.


We aren't plants, we aren't rocks and we aren't built out of a kit from lego, we are animals.

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Sister ;)For an example of the accuracy of the thought processes of the general public, spend ten minutes reading this forum, or any other that's open to the general public for that matter.


We aren't plants, we aren't rocks and we aren't built out of a kit from lego, we are animals.


bet john merric disagrees!

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He was wrong, he was also an example of what some members of society will do to those they consider different, thankfully we don't live in Victorian times any more.


However I take your point, he would disagree with me.


In his time animals were things kept in cages and prodded with sticks to make them perform for the general public, if I were him I'd deny being an animal too and I'd be wrong as well.

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