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Being Gay, what IS the unnatural reason then?

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Sister ;)For an example of the accuracy of the thought processes of the general public, spend ten minutes reading this forum, or any other that's open to the general public for that matter.


We aren't plants, we aren't rocks and we aren't built out of a kit from lego, we are animals.


Are you a non human animal, it's amazing how well you type.

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Clarification, Wiki.

An animal is a taxonomic member of the Kingdom Animalia. For biologists, this includes human beings, although for the general public the term "animal" means only non-human animals.


You must mean "for idiots", even the most loosely education person knows that there is little to separate us from any other animal. Unless you'd like to bring the word of God into this, which will just make it easier to counter your point.

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You must mean "for idiots", even the most loosely education person knows that there is little to separate us from any other animal. Unless you'd like to bring the word of God into this, which will just make it easier to counter your point.


What species are you.

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Mm, some of the biggest critics of gay relationships are very highly educated and incredibly smart, many priests and vicars are doctors or have masters degrees; look at the Pope, he's a Doctor(ate), professor and speaks 7 languages. Actually it's pretty ignorant to say that just because somebody doesn't agree with gay relationships, it means they have a low IQ.


I actually agree with gay relationships and don't have an issue and, think they should be equal etc, but I also think the IQs are probably lower in those who believe if somebody is different from them (in their opinion), that they're stupid.


A very unpopular man once thought that everyone different from him was inferior but let's not go into that.


My point is this: just because their opinion on a matter is different, it doesn't make them stupid.


You're quite right, not everybody who is anti-gay is ignorant and uneducated and doesn't know any better. An awful lot of them are anti-gay because it's been indoctrinated into them via religion.


Some of them also believe in the Adam and Eve myth and won't accept the theory of evolution. I don't care how how high their IQs are, or how many qualifications they have, I'd still class them as idiots!

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You must mean "for idiots", even the most loosely education person knows that there is little to separate us from any other animal. Unless you'd like to bring the word of God into this, which will just make it easier to counter your point.


Most people know that we as humans are animals, but I'm pretty sure that generally speaking when the term 'animals' is used, most people automatically think of non human animals.

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he said he was not an animal


He used the term to stop people treating him like an animal. Despite his affliction and the prejudice of the time he was very intelligent and I would hazard a guess that he was very aware that we are indeed animals in the biological sense.

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A number of posts have been removed for a variety of reasons including posts which quote these. I will draw your attention to the following

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Are you a non human animal, it's amazing how well you type.
No I'm a human animal as are you, though I'll admit there are times I've wondered about some of the posters on the forum.
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