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Being Gay, what IS the unnatural reason then?

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Most people know that we as humans are animals, but I'm pretty sure that generally speaking when the term 'animals' is used, most people automatically think of non human animals.


Not in the context of this thread though when someone says that "this behaviour is common amongst many animals" (although they really should say mammals to be more clear).

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You're quite right, not everybody who is anti-gay is ignorant and uneducated and doesn't know any better. An awful lot of them are anti-gay because it's been indoctrinated into them via religion.


Some of them also believe in the Adam and Eve myth and won't accept the theory of evolution. I don't care how how high their IQs are, or how many qualifications they have, I'd still class them as idiots!


Hear, hear - or 'here here' in SF-speak. I would also add that being well educated is not a sign of intelligence or having an open mind. Nor is it mutually exclusive of ignorance. One word - Thatcher.

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Hear, hear - or 'here here' in SF-speak. I would also add that being well educated is not a sign of intelligence or having an open mind. Nor is it mutually exclusive of ignorance. One word - Thatcher.


Indeed! Ingrained prejudice - whether it's against colour, gender, sexuality or whatever - is incredibly difficult to overcome, no matter what the background, intelligence or education.


The poster on this thread (can't remember who it is and can't be bothered to go and check) who consistently refuses to believe gay people when say that's the way they were born is a prime example. All s/he can come up with as a reason for believing they're lying is something along the lines of "they would say that", which is hardly a cogent argument.


My mind boggles that anybody could believe some people would actually choose a way of life that lays them open to abuse - verbal and physical - and all sorts of problems, harassment and inequalities, that could be avoided simply by "choosing" a more acceptable sexuality.

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Flying is unnatural, how does something that weighs 300 tonnes get in the air. :rolleyes: Why do some people only criticise progress when it suits their prejudices?


Why is it some people like to peddle the procreation argument when referring to homosexuals as being unnatural, yet the same people are the first people to complain about over population.


I cannot understand the level of venom towards homosexuals. How does a person's desire toward another of the same sex affect me, it of course doesn't.


I'm glad on the evidence of this thread that most people embrace the idea of homosexuality, long may it continue.

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Re: Giant Pandas


That's because man though...Sorry, fail!...:D

Pandas are interesting from an evolutionary perspective irelevant of our efforts. They're an evolutionary cul-de-sac.


They have the digestive system of a carnivore but eat a 99% diet of plant life, and their digestion is 'inefficient'. It's vastly inefficient. It's so inefficient that they need huge amounts of bamboo, which needs huge amounts of land to grow - and it is that land that human beings are encroaching upon.


Your 'nature is efficient' theory takes another step down.

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