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Being Gay, what IS the unnatural reason then?

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Methinks you protest too much,

look up perversion.


Perversion is a word generally used by sexually repressed people to describe things that make them uncomfortable.


Just because people like you might use that word to describe homosexuality proves nothing, only that it makes you uncomfortable, possibly because of your own hang ups.

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"Curing" implies there's something that should be cured, you could equally argue that intolerance is a condition that needs curing.


Could be cured would be more apt as nothing is certain,


Intolerance works both ways, explain how you are going to cure it,


unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one’s own:

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Could be cured would be more apt as nothing is certain,


Intolerance works both ways, explain how you are going to cure it,


*facepalm* She's not actually claiming that intolerance can be 'cured', simply trying to make you see how ludicrous your suggestion that homosexuality might be able to be 'cured'.


How about you apply this same healthy level of skepticism to your own thinking?

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Perversion is a word generally used by sexually repressed people to describe things that make them uncomfortable.


Just because people like you might use that word to describe homosexuality proves nothing, only that it makes you uncomfortable, possibly because of your own hang ups.


Pronunciation: /pəˈvəːʃ(ə)n/noun

[mass noun]

1 distortion or corruption of the original course, meaning, or state of something:


the thing which most disturbed him was the perversion of language and truth

[count noun]:

a scandalous perversion of the law


2 sexual behaviour that is considered abnormal and unacceptable:

his book revolutionized ideas about sexual perversion


[count noun]:

he indulged in most perversions you could care to name


late Middle English: from Latin perversio(n-), from the verb pervertere 'turn about' (see pervert)


The only ones feeling uncomfortable are the ones who have it aimed at them,

are you saying the word should not be used, it's in the dictionary.

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Could be cured would be more apt as nothing is certain,


Intolerance works both ways, explain how you are going to cure it,


unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one’s own:


Intolerance of the intolerant whose attitudes create a culture that oppresses the rights of the individual, when applying the Stuart Mill Harm Principle, is wholly different to the type of intolerance that you are guilty of.

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2 sexual behaviour that is considered abnormal and unacceptable:

his book revolutionized ideas about sexual perversion


The only ones feeling uncomfortable are the ones who have it aimed at them,

are you saying the word should not be used, it's in the dictionary.


No, I'm simply saying I wouldn't use it to describe homosexuality, and neither would anyone who's not a homophobe, homosexuality is both normal and acceptable to me.

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Pronunciation: /pəˈvəːʃ(ə)n/noun

[mass noun]

1 distortion or corruption of the original course, meaning, or state of something:


the thing which most disturbed him was the perversion of language and truth

[count noun]:

a scandalous perversion of the law


2 sexual behaviour that is considered abnormal and unacceptable:

his book revolutionized ideas about sexual perversion


[count noun]:

he indulged in most perversions you could care to name


late Middle English: from Latin perversio(n-), from the verb pervertere 'turn about' (see pervert)


The only ones feeling uncomfortable are the ones who have it aimed at them,

are you saying the word should not be used, it's in the dictionary.

That just reinforces what Jimmy said.

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*facepalm* She's not actually claiming that intolerance can be 'cured', simply trying to make you see how ludicrous your suggestion that homosexuality might be able to be 'cured'.


How about you apply this same healthy level of skepticism to your own thinking?


So you wouldn't like a cure to be found for homosexuality even if it were a birth defect?

seems to me yours must be by choice.

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So you wouldn't like a cure to be found for homosexuality even if it were a birth defect
Seeing as you're such a big fan of semantics, here's a dictionary definition for you.


1. The lack of something necessary or desirable for completion or perfection; a deficiency: a visual defect.

2. An imperfection that causes inadequacy or failure; a shortcoming. See Synonyms at blemish.


Homosexuality is not a defect, it does not need to be cured.


seems to me yours must be by choice.

Lol, you think it's by choice!


I take it then that you could enjoy having sex with a man if you so chose to then? You could choose to find men attractive just like that? flipping some sort of switch in your brain?

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Could be cured would be more apt as nothing is certain,


Intolerance works both ways, explain how you are going to cure it,


unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one’s own:

Intolerance works both ways only when both parties are oppressed, homosexuals are oppressed by bigots seeking to deny them equal status.


In what way are bigots oppressed by homosexuals ?


Unwillingness to accept views, beliefs or behaviour that differ from ones own does not mean you should simply accept oppression or bullying by people seeking to deny your rights.


Are homosexuals bullying you or oppressing you or seeking to deny you your rights ?


If so please tell us how, because if you are truly being oppressed then I will defend you to the hilt.




And as an addition to that, you may notice the green letters under my name on the left there, I'm a moderator for this forum, I regularly defend people from those who seek to attack them, denigrate them, insult them or otherwise deny them their rights.


I don't know these people I defend, I don't always agree with these people I defend and some of the people I defend I really don't want to get to know as I find what they have posted in the past to be extremely disagreeable.


I try to be as even handed as possible with people, it's one of the reasons I was asked to be a moderator and it's one of the reasons I'm still a moderator.


In doing this I receive abuse from people I don't know and have never met on an almost daily basis.


So please don't accuse me of intolerance.

So you wouldn't like a cure to be found for homosexuality even if it were a birth defect,

seems to me yours must be by choice.

If it were a birth defect I would be perfectly happy for it to be cured, but as it's not a birth defect or a disease the question of curing it is moot and accusing people of choosing it because they aren't actively seeking a "cure" for something that is not a birth defect or a disease is disingenuous at best and sophistry at worst.
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