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Being Gay, what IS the unnatural reason then?

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So please don't accuse me of intolerance.If it were a birth defect I would be perfectly happy for it to be cured, but as it's not a birth defect or a disease the question of curing it is moot and accusing people of choosing it because they aren't actively seeking a "cure" for something that is not a birth defect or a disease is disingenuous at best and sophistry at worst.


Hey E, it's probably not a birth defect, but it could easily be the result of gender alignment in the womb.


Or it could be genetic! Which makes it much more interesting.


As I said before, regardless of cause, we should still be treating the world with the same love and respect, rather than ostracising anyone different from ourselves.

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It could be a lot of things, I question the use of the word "defect" though.


And if it is genetic it makes any "cure" eugenics and we really don't want to head down that road.


Whatever the reason for the existence of homosexuality, it is not a choice, it is not the fault of the people who are homosexual, it is not a disease, it is not a defect and it is not a reason for denying a section of the population the same rights as the rest or permitting them to be bullied, intimidated or otherwise oppressed by bigots.

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Well of course species change and adapt to their environment. They constantly improve..


Oh and don't tell me what to do, please...:D


I did say "please", it was a request not an instruction, please read what I've written not what you think is there, this is also a request not an instruction..


So did I....:D


It could be a lot of things, I question the use of the word "defect" though.


And if it is genetic it makes any "cure" eugenics and we really don't want to head down that road.


Whatever the reason for the existence of homosexuality, it is not a choice, it is not the fault of the people who are homosexual, it is not a disease, it is not a defect and it is not a reason for denying a section of the population the same rights as the rest or permitting them to be bullied, intimidated or otherwise oppressed by bigots.


Defect is probably not a good word, but I can't think of another. It has to be a defect, because it makes the species less likely to succeed, in its main aim, which is to continue the species..


I know that it is difficult to admit and you and others will not have any sort of negative, and you constantly try to put a positive spin on it, but it is a "negative" in relation to the success of the species, but not in personal terms, obviously....

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Intolerance works both ways only when both parties are oppressed, homosexuals are oppressed by bigots seeking to deny them equal status.


In what way are bigots oppressed by homosexuals ?


Unwillingness to accept views, beliefs or behaviour that differ from ones own does not mean you should simply accept oppression or bullying by people seeking to deny your rights.


Are homosexuals bullying you or oppressing you or seeking to deny you your rights ?


If so please tell us how, because if you are truly being oppressed then I will defend you to the hilt.




And as an addition to that, you may notice the green letters under my name on the left there, I'm a moderator for this forum, I regularly defend people from those who seek to attack them, denigrate them, insult them or otherwise deny them their rights.


I don't know these people I defend, I don't always agree with these people I defend and some of the people I defend I really don't want to get to know as I find what they have posted in the past to be extremely disagreeable.


I try to be as even handed as possible with people, it's one of the reasons I was asked to be a moderator and it's one of the reasons I'm still a moderator.


In doing this I receive abuse from people I don't know and have never met on an almost daily basis.


So please don't accuse me of intolerance.If it were a birth defect I would be perfectly happy for it to be cured, but as it's not a birth defect or a disease the question of curing it is moot and accusing people of choosing it because they aren't actively seeking a "cure" for something that is not a birth defect or a disease is disingenuous at best and sophistry at worst.


See youre showing me no tolerance, and you don't have to wave the moderator flag i can read.


I'm bullying no one only pointing out discrepancies.


How do you know it's not a birth defect, do you have proof, why is there research being done looking for a gay gene if there isn't one to be found.


And i'm denying no one their rights the government gave them, I have to accept their decision.

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So did I....:D
I noticed :D
Defect is probably not a good word, but I can't think of another. It has to be a defect, because it makes the species less likely to succeed, in its main aim, which is to continue the species..
And how do you know it makes the species less likely to succeed ?


Homosexuality may be an adaptation to conditions in the environment that you are not aware of, admittedly it may not be but that still doesn't justify the term "defect".

I know that it is difficult to admit and you and others will not have any sort of negative, and you constantly try to put a positive spin on it, but it is a "negative" in relation to the success of the species, but not in personal terms, obviously....
It's not obvious to me, how is it "negative" in relation to the success of the species ?
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So did I....:D




Defect is probably not a good word, but I can't think of another. It has to be a defect, because it makes the species less likely to succeed, in its main aim, which is to continue the species..


I know that it is difficult to admit and you and others will not have any sort of negative, and you constantly try to put a positive spin on it, but it is a "negative" in relation to the success of the species, but not in personal terms, obviously....


(My bold)




All it does is affect that particular couple, same as with infertility, Jack and Sally's infertility has absolutely no effect on overall procreation rates, in the same manner as Joe and Philip's relationship.


In fact, as has been quoted in other threads, SOME "defects" are beneficial. Did you know that Sickle Cell Anaemia actually has a beneficial side to it? people with Sickle cell are less likely to suffer malaria, as the parasite can't be carried as easily by the sickle-shaped blood cells.

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Intolerance works both ways only when both parties are oppressed, homosexuals are oppressed by bigots seeking to deny them equal status.


In what way are bigots oppressed by homosexuals ?(snip)


Well, the horrible, horrible gays are trying to force the nice, normal "straights" to catch "Teh Gay".


My God they'll be making it compulsory for us straights to go into same sex marital partnerships, next.

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See youre showing me no tolerance, and you don't have to wave the moderator flag i can read.


I'm bullying no one only pointing out discrepancies.


How do you know it's not a birth defect, do you have proof, why is there research being done looking for a gay gene if there isn't one to be found.


And i'm denying no one their rights the government gave them, I have to accept their decision.

I "waved the moderator flag" to demonstrate that I am tolerant of people with differing opinions, I've even defended you from attacks in the past and I'll probably do so again in the future.


I'm disagreeing with you and I'm being extremely tolerant, I'm rebutting your points with argument that is not the same as oppression.


You haven't pointed out a single discrepancy that's stood up to examination so far.


Where is the proof that is is a defect ?


Looking for something doesn't mean it exists.


A few posts back you were accusing people of choosing not to look for a "cure" now you say research is being done, which is it ?

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Pronunciation: /pəˈvəːʃ(ə)n/noun

[mass noun]

1 distortion or corruption of the original course, meaning, or state of something:


the thing which most disturbed him was the perversion of language and truth

[count noun]:

a scandalous perversion of the law


2 sexual behaviour that is considered abnormal and unacceptable:

his book revolutionized ideas about sexual perversion


[count noun]:

he indulged in most perversions you could care to name


late Middle English: from Latin perversio(n-), from the verb pervertere 'turn about' (see pervert)


The only ones feeling uncomfortable are the ones who have it aimed at them,

are you saying the word should not be used, it's in the dictionary.


Thanks, saved me looking it up, so we've established that it isn't a perversion now.

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