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Being Gay, what IS the unnatural reason then?

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Speaking as a bisexualist, if you fancy someone, then no you can't ignore it. Just to clarify, being bi doesn't mean you must engage in sexual behaviour with your own gender - it just means it won't freak you out if you do. The way I put it is that I'm attracted to people. If I like someone, their gender isn't a problem.


I mean ignore by not actually acting upon it.

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Anybody can do that if they exercise some self-control, regardless of orientation. It just means you'll end up with RSI and run out of tissues.


I'd always thought that most of us do it when we get married, ignore our sexual attractions for others?

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I'd always thought that most of us do it when we get married, ignore our sexual attractions for others?


Yeah, we do. Gays and bisexuals are no different in that respect. In fact it's this that is driving the campaign against same sex marriage - it removes the final libel against LGBT people, that they're promiscuous and can't commit.

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Yeah, we do. Gays and bisexuals are no different in that respect. In fact it's this that is driving the campaign against same sex marriage - it removes the final libel against LGBT people, that they're promiscuous and can't commit.


That's my point. Those that are trying to argue that homosexuality is a choice may be doing so because for them it may actually be a choice that they decide not to act upon because they're bisexual.

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Article is over 12 years old and hardly current research, as I don't subscribe I can't see what it says, if anyone could oblige with a précis I'd be grateful


Search for “Gay Gene” Is “Bad Science” Says Nebraska Professor


Again 10 years old and hardly current, the title is fairly self explanatory

"Except for the rare physical abnormalities (such as Huntington’s Disease) at the present time, there is no evidence of a direct causative link between a single gene and complex psycho-social behavior such as sexual preference," says Abbott.
Interesting quote, still nothing conclisive though.


Is There a 'Gay Gene'?


12 years old,inconclusive


The search for the gay gene | BMJ


7 years old, but better but still shows nothing conclusive


"Gay Gene" Critique Links


Possibly a little better as it's only 3 years old from the copyright note, seems to be a list of articles written by pro homosexual people, still nothing conclusive, quotes lots of much older articles so it's still not really current science.


OK I've taken my pick, I've picked the first five from the "About 3,020,000" returns, google usually puts the most relevant first.


So I infer from this that the most recent research is around 10 years old and that little if any current research is actually taking place.


So unless you want to take your pick and find a recent article showing recent research I would say that the your point that there is a current search for a gay gene is invalid.

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That's my point. Those that are trying to argue that homosexuality is a choice may be doing so because for them it may actually be a choice that they decide not to act upon because they're bisexual.


Well, in a way, but it's not a direct parallel with heterosexual behaviour. The parallel would be bisexuals not having sex with anyone at all.

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Well, in a way, but it's not a direct parallel with heterosexual behaviour. The parallel would be bisexuals not having sex with anyone at all.


What if the bisexual was raised to believe that homosexuality was fundamentally wrong, it would seem possible that he/she would suppress their attraction to their same sex and get their sexual gratification from the opposite sex.

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Where have i claimed homosexuals don't tolerate my sexuality, are you making things up.

You were claiming that intolerance went both ways


Intolerance works both ways,

which would imply that gay people had a problem with your sexuality. Were you trying to imply something else?




Are you saying genes can't be defective.


Certainly genes can be defective, but common traits wouldn't be considered defective.

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