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Game stores closing - no longer accepting gift cards or refunding items

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Think game station is seperate company, because I tried to use the game card in there by mistake & they did not accept.

To all on here, think in this day and age it pays to be cautious about leaving deposits at big companies, as businesses are shutting down, unless not bothered about potentially loosing money. Remember that company thats like Park, but not park where you can pay for ya xmas shopping in advance going bust leaving people out of pocket?? Not saying not to shop at game, just dont leave ya self open to loose money. If shop at one of the big supermakets for your games, you may not get points but chances are will be cheaper in the first place. If shop online using paypal you are a lot more protectedas well.


Different trading name but same parent group.

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i work on fargate in sheffield and i can tell you the staff in the game shop there had no idea they were shutting down. one of the girls who works in there was nearly in tears as it wiped out her income and she may have to drop out of uni if she cannot find another job soon. think about the staff. I have a reward card with some money on it, i'd rather it goes to paying wages and redundency money that the £10 it owes me !


Mark, if the staff did not know then they have been burying their heads in the sand. I feel sorry for them losing their jobs, but they can't claim it to be a surprise, as it has been all over the games industry web sites and in the game industry trade paper (MCV) for weeks. Even Wikipedia had the basic details. (see below).



Financial problems and administration

One of 277 Game stores closed by administrators on 26 March 2012.On 29 February 2012 it was announced that both Game and Gamestation would no longer stock new titles from Electronic Arts. This was due to the major games distributor limiting Game's credit terms.[19] This affected the pre-orders of Mass Effect 3, due out the following week.[20] On 5 March 2012 it was announced that Game and Gamestation stores would not be stocking titles by Capcom. The first title affected by the move was Street Fighter X Tekken. Customers who pre-ordered the special edition from either store are being refunded.[21] On 8 March 2012 it was reported that both Game and Gamestation were heavily discounting stock in an attempt to minimise any debts ahead of administration. [22]


On 14 March it was announced that OpCapita had made a bid for the company. The business had been in talks with Games lenders with the aim of buying its debt and settling its bills with suppliers in full.[23] The offer was rejected by Game's lenders. [24]


On 15 March it was announced that Microsoft and Activision have ceased to supply their products to Game.[25]


On 19 March 2012, the company's shares were suspended from The London Stock exchange at its own request.[26]


On 21 March 2012 Game's board of directors announced their intention to place the company in to administration.[27]


On 26 March 2012, Game went into administration with PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ian Shepard stepped down as CEO. No administator was appointed for stores in Ireland & redundancies were only offered to UK staff, resulting in a continuing protest from Irish staff. 277 stores were closed immediately, resulting in 2,104 job losses.[28][29]

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iv just read it the online stuff is still available crystal peaks is still open and they say that some changes are only temperary again (just the same as petrol) people are blowing everything out of proportion yes i agree the fact of dont buy a gift card incase you lose out but i dont see why people are borcotting as they are making it clear that they havnt closed just got rid of afew shops game station isnt part of game i asked yesterday just because they both sell the same think doesnt mean they are the same place

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It's part of the same group, hence both sets of stores shutting down. Gamestation was bought by Game.[/quote


yea they are both game shops but still completly different shops game station hasnt closed dont know why everyone is worrying yet im sure notice will be given if they all close

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Hurrah, the owners of Meadowhall can breathe a huge sigh of relief now that moneybags Rich won't be boycotting them!


"Waaaaah, waaaaaaah, stop trolling or I'll tell the Mods! Waaaaaaaah!

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iv just read it the online stuff is still available crystal peaks is still open and they say that some changes are only temperary again (just the same as petrol) people are blowing everything out of proportion yes i agree the fact of dont buy a gift card incase you lose out but i dont see why people are borcotting as they are making it clear that they havnt closed just got rid of afew shops game station isnt part of game i asked yesterday just because they both sell the same think doesnt mean they are the same place


Sorry Lukesmummy but you are wrong (or rather you have been given the wrong information), they are all owned by the same group, which has gone into administration.


"..Acquisition of Gamestation


In May 2007, the company announced the acquisition of rival UK specialist video game chain Gamestation for £74 million. The company stated that they intended to retain the brand..."

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