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Woman died after Muslim nurse refused to help as he was praying

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Can't see this post being on here much longer after the mods have seen it. They don't take kindly to people replying and stating their feeling when a member of the ethnic community is involved.


We have no problem with people stating their feelings regardless of the subject providing they stay within the forum rules.


We do however, tend to frown upon accusations of bias.


Now the issue is one of a nurse being derelict in their duties so I suggest you stay on topic and within forum rules.

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This newspaper article could easily be written to say "Woman dies after living 87 years" and be equally true. They've written the truth in such a way to say that the Muslim nurse must be at fault, he must be; he was praying at work!!


I'm no fan of Islam, but equally I'm no fan of bending pointless news stories to smear Islam. The woman also died after a carer ignored the advice of a trained medical professional - why didn't the telegraph go with that story?


Funny thing, the world of bias. We're all equally as guilty of it.


I agree. I daresay had the nurse not been a Muslim, this story would not even have made the news. It's sloppy and sensational reporting. Muslims of course (as other faiths) have the right to pray at their deignated times in the workplace, with their employer's consent (is there a legal obligation to allow it? I don't know) however, it is the responsibility of the employer to provide cover for such situations, or there should be some form of temporary handover.

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This newspaper article could easily be written to say "Woman dies after living 87 years" and be equally true. They've written the truth in such a way to say that the Muslim nurse must be at fault, he must be; he was praying at work!!


I'm no fan of Islam, but equally I'm no fan of bending pointless news stories to smear Islam. The woman also died after a carer ignored the advice of a trained medical professional - why didn't the telegraph go with that story?


Funny thing, the world of bias. We're all equally as guilty of it.


Got to agree with you here, looks like there was plenty of poor decision making, but it's been slanted towards the Muslim prayer thing, and there are contradictory things in the article. I'm quite disappointed with the Telegraph, well below their usual standard. Maybe a rookie reporter.


An elderly woman was left on the floor at a care home for up to ten minutes because a nurse was praying, an inquest heard.

Alzheimer's sufferer Dorothy Griffiths, 87, was found sitting down after staff heard a bang and a carer went to the office for help to lift her.


So after the initial fall, was she found on the floor, sitting, or sitting on the floor?


But agency nurse Abdul Bhutto, who was in charge, said they would have to wait.


Carer Zoe Shaw told the Sheffield hearing: "It took between five and ten minutes because he was praying upstairs in the office on his prayer mat. A staff member told me we had to wait for him to finish."


My bold - this would suggest she was told this by somebody other than Mr Bhutto. Maybe if she had interreupted his prayer time, he would have responded, who knows.


She and another carer found her on the floor and Mrs Shaw went to get help from Mr Bhutto. He was the most senior nurse on night duty at the home, run by the Mimosa Healthcare Group, because the senior carer was unable to work having been on duty for six of the previous seven nights.


When Mr Bhutto arrived he checked the pensioner's limbs, took her blood pressure and pulse while she was still on the floor and told the carers to put her back into bed.


No mention of Mr Bhutto at prayer here.


But instead Mrs Shaw, worried that she might fall again, washed the old lady, dressed her and took her to the office while she carried on filling forms.


So the carer ignored the advice of teh nurse to put her back to bed?


At about 5.45am she took her to the lounge and said she was "talking fine" and walking around.


But at breakfast-time when the residents were being offered a cup of tea Mrs Griffiths was found unresponsive and an ambulance was called at about 7.30am.


Nothing to do with Mr Bhutto praying then.


Mrs Shaw, who broke down and wept in the witness box, said she would have called an ambulance immediately after the fall but had only since discovered that staff could override a nurses' decision.


Nothing to do with Mr Bhutto praying then.

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Mod Note




We have no problem with people stating their feelings regardless of the subject providing they stay within the forum rules.


We do however, tend to frown upon accusations of bias.


Now the issue is one of a nurse being derelict in their duties so I suggest you stay on topic and within forum rules.


I think many SF members may have a different view to the statement above.

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Yes, the nurse was praying to Allah, not to Marlboro.


And if it was a nurse who was atheist and was outside for a cigarette or was taking a particularly long bathroom break then you wouldn't have had such a convenient scapegoat, would you?


How about you look at the way that the story is written, the facts of the case, such as the age, medical condition and frailty of the lady and the factors about which nothing at all could be done, like the fact that she had already had a fall, which was nothing at all to do with a nurse not being in the room at the time?


If an investigation is carried out and the investigators find that the nurse being muslim is a contributory factor to the lady's death then I'll happily apologise to you. I strongly suspect that they will instead find that the nurse's refusal to come to help was an issue, but as I said above, that refusal could have been for hundreds of reasons, not just because he was praying, and if he had immediately given care to the lady she still may have died.

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I think many SF members may have a different view to the statement above.


If you have a genuine concern of bias in the moderating team then by all means contact me on my email address to discuss it.


I'm on medusa@s-f.co.uk


However, what you need to consider before you claim bias is two-fold:


1) Forum rules are significantly more stringent than the laws of the land with regard to inflammatory, derogatory, unfounded, racist and hate-led language, and no matter what you discuss there are ways of posting it that will get your post removed because of the manner of that post, and


2) One of the ways that I measure the 'neutrality' of the forum moderation is by the overall number of complaints and accusations of bias. If we had no accusations of undue bias from the far right and 20 from the far left then that would send us a message, but we don't. For the last 5 years we have had an approximately equal number of complaints, ranging from polite emails to death threats, from each end of the political spectrum.


What that tells me is that an equal number of both sides feel that they are being discriminated against, so that means that we're about as central as we can be. We have a similar number of atheists and those of faith who complain too, and a broadly similar number of Blades and Owls who allege that the moderating team are siding against them.


It will never be OK to just post whatever you want to post on SF. We have rules, we have a family friendly ethos and therefore there are perfectly legal discussions which are unsuitable for SF because we have them reported to us, read them and decide that the topic is not suitable for our children to read.


As I said, if you really have a gripe with how the mod team is run then by all means contact me about it, but please don't just assume that because you don't feel that you are being allowed to post whatever you want that this is either wrong or implying bias.

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