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Woman died after Muslim nurse refused to help as he was praying

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Can't see this post being on here much longer after the mods have seen it. They don't take kindly to people replying and stating their feeling when a member of the ethnic community is involved.


Berverley Allitt, Harold Shipman, Josef Mengele - it's always Muslims.

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Perhaps, given that she seemed perfectly fine at 5.45am but was discovered dead at 7.30am, we ought first to find out whether her fall from bed even had anything at all to do with her death.




My grandmother had a fall at a very similar time of day and was found very soon afterwards, taken to hospital, given lots of care, drugs and medical support and still only survived another 6 days. Her official cause of death was right sided heart failure secondary to age related kidney failure, and the best medic in the world couldn't have made either her heart or her kidneys work again.


The fall was a result of the heart failure, not the cause.

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Should pray before work,on their break,or after work.Why should other staff have to cover for them.


For the same reason that other staff have to cover from every worker who's ever held any job at all - personal needs get in the way.



More to the point, though, is that there is no reason to believe his presence or absence immediately after the fall had anything to do with the poor lady's death.

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Should pray before work,on their break,or after work.Why should other staff have to cover for them.


The story is full of holes as has been proven when read properly (MJ Scuba's post pretty much sums it up).


Also, the nurse may have been on a break as staff are entitled to that, just as some nip out for a 5 minute fag- he may have nipped up for a 5 minute prayer.


In case you did not know, practicing Muslims pray 5 times a day and many successfully do by working around their work/study.

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Because not to do would be discriminatory.


Get over it!

I have worked in an environment where rooms where provided for them to pray.Did they pray in them? Nope! Anywhere and everywhere! Like molehills scattered all over the place.A health n safety risk.

Every other faith managed to pray outside working hours,but not the muslims!They did nowt but whinge.

I would never employ a muslim........................Here we go!...


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For the same reason that other staff have to cover from every worker who's ever held any job at all - personal needs get in the way.



More to the point, though, is that there is no reason to believe his presence or absence immediately after the fall had anything to do with the poor lady's death.


Personal needs yes! Praying is just a hindrance,and an annoyance in the workplace.And that's for any faith.The workplace is for work,not praying.

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Get over it!

I have worked in an environment where rooms where provided for them to pray.Did they pray in them? Nope! Anywhere and everywhere! Like molehills scattered all over the place.A health n safety risk.

Every other faith managed to pray outside working hours,but not the muslims!They did nowt but whinge.

I would never employ a muslim........................Here we go!...



Every faith is different and has different rituals. Furthermore, your comment about never employing a Muslim is not only grossly discriminatory and offensive but illegal.

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