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Woman died after Muslim nurse refused to help as he was praying

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The story is full of holes as has been proven when read properly (MJ Scuba's post pretty much sums it up).


Also, the nurse may have been on a break as staff are entitled to that, just as some nip out for a 5 minute fag- he may have nipped up for a 5 minute prayer.


In case you did not know, practicing Muslims pray 5 times a day and many successfully do by working around their work/study.


Of course i know! I was forever looking for them around the factory when i needed orders completed. A pain in the butt,and always pushing their luck.

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Of course i know! I was forever looking for them around the factory when i needed orders completed. A pain in the butt,and always pushing their luck.


I wouldn't employ you as you're clearly a bigot. How would you feel if someone fed that back to you after a job interview?

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Every faith is different and has different rituals. Furthermore, your comment about never employing a Muslim is not only grossly discriminatory and offensive but illegal.


I don't care!

I don't deal wth recruitment.I just have to put up with their constant demands.

If you are offended,don't read my comments. I have read a lot worse on here.

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