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Can Car Clampers sleep at night?

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hmm, found this document about it here: http://www.sia.homeoffice.gov.uk/pages/vehicle-immobiliser-ban.aspx


Proposed Changes

The following information is subject to Parliament passing the Bill.


  • The ban will not apply to Northern Ireland.
  • The ban will apply to private land only. It will not change existing traffic enforcement by local authorities and police on highways.
  • The ban will also apply to towing away and all other forms of vehicle immobilisation. Once implemented, anyone who clamps (or otherwise immobilises) a vehicle or tows it away on private land without specific legal authority to do so will face criminal proceedings or civil sanctions.
  • The ban will apply whether or not there is the intention to charge a release fee, though individuals will still be able to clamp or block in their own vehicles (for example, to prevent theft) and bailiffs with the lawful right to do so will still be able to clamp vehicles in lieu of outstanding debts.

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Ask Headingnorth if he thinks they would be in thier right to clamp the ambulance that came to attend the driver because they were on private land I sure he would say yes.


If it is the same chap that the tv programme was about, I can assure you that he would have no hesitation in clamping an ambulance/police car or anything else if it parked on his land..


See this link: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-yorkshire-clamper/episode-guide/series-1/episode-1

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hmm, found this document about it here: http://www.sia.homeoffice.gov.uk/pages/vehicle-immobiliser-ban.aspx


Proposed Changes

The following information is subject to Parliament passing the Bill.


  • The ban will not apply to Northern Ireland.
  • The ban will apply to private land only. It will not change existing traffic enforcement by local authorities and police on highways.
  • The ban will also apply to towing away and all other forms of vehicle immobilisation. Once implemented, anyone who clamps (or otherwise immobilises) a vehicle or tows it away on private land without specific legal authority to do so will face criminal proceedings or civil sanctions.
  • The ban will apply whether or not there is the intention to charge a release fee, though individuals will still be able to clamp or block in their own vehicles (for example, to prevent theft) and bailiffs with the lawful right to do so will still be able to clamp vehicles in lieu of outstanding debts.


So not yet then?

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So not yet then?


It doesn't appear to be enacted yet which is odd as it was announced back in 2010 and the last update was back in Feb 2011.


I wonder if some minister has financial interests in a clamping company and has kicked this one into the long grass.

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We checked round there wasn't a sign warning you about clamping or saying you couldn't load or unload or that the car park was private. What a rotten end to a lovely day. How do these people sleep at night


IIRC there are three. Last time I was up there I went to see the famous guy after watching the C4 doc about him!

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