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Pasties, Petrol and Incompetence

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Yesterday was like watching an episode of the Thick of It being played out in real life - funny to watch but depressing to watch our incompetent 'leaders' exposed as clueless idiots.


Cameron and Maude managed to cause a run on fuel, by idiotically telling people to fill up and then illegally store fuel in their garages, followed minutes later by the Fire Service telling people NOT to do that - although it was already too late as idiots around the country decided to panic buy fuel anyway - for a strike that hasn't even been announced yet!


Francis Maude even tried to deny telling people to fill up Jerry Cans, despite having done exactly that just a few hours earlier!


If that wasn't stupid enough smarmy Dave then remembered that time he ate a pasty, from a shop that doesn't even exist, or if it did, has been closed for years. Not to be outdone Miliband followed Ed Balls into Greggs and managed to look like an embarrassed schoolboy being dragged along by his dad.


The problem is - even though its funny to see these endless 'gaffes', causing a run on fuel and telling people to store it illegally something isn't funny. Neither is adding 20% tax on to something without any consideration for the impact, or how it might be implemented - it also acts as a smokescreen for the real issues of a flatlined economy, increasing unemployment and corrupt party funding.

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I missed most of the news yesterday and have been catching up this morning. I love Miliband claiming they had "popped in to buy some sausage rolls" :hihi: whilst Ed Balls claimed he was buying them as part of his training regime for the London marathon.




But you are correct that as funny as it is the comedy is over-shadowing the reality of cuts, unemployment and economic stagnation.

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Newsnight last night was a joke. Three blokes sat around shouting about how the others couldn't even remember the last time they had eaten a pasty.


As much as I dislike Cameron, if I was travelling round the country on a regular basis i'm not sure I'd know what i'd eaten, when i'd eaten, and where i'd eaten it.

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Is it illegal to keep a can of fuel in a garage? Which Act of Parliament makes it illegal?


I got fuel at Chapeltown yesterday evening, no queues and they hadn't run out.




It's against the law to store more than 20 litres (4 gallons) of petrol in two 10 litre (1 gallon) metal containers, and 10 litres (2 gallons) in two 5 litre (1 gallon) plastic containers. All containers must be designed for the purpose and they must be marked petroleum and highly flammable.

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It's against the law to store more than 20 litres (4 gallons) of petrol in two 10 litre (1 gallon) metal containers, and 10 litres (2 gallons) in two 5 litre (1 gallon) plastic containers. All containers must be designed for the purpose and they must be marked petroleum and highly flammable.


A standard jerry can is 20 litres. So I'm guessing it would not be illegal to store one jerry can of petrol in a garage?

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Newsnight last night was a joke. Three blokes sat around shouting about how the others couldn't even remember the last time they had eaten a pasty.


As much as I dislike Cameron, if I was travelling round the country on a regular basis i'm not sure I'd know what i'd eaten, when i'd eaten, and where i'd eaten it.


True - but why did Cameron go out of his way to describe buying a large pasty from Leeds station from a shop that doesn't exist? Wouldn't it have been better to say 'I can't remember' - rather than invent some silly lie about deciding to have a large one rather than small one?


The point, beyond the silliness, is that it shows them up as being out of touch with ordinary people.


Whilst it seems funny and irrelevant when you read this



it could also lead to people losing their jobs, which isn't funny.



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