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Pasties, Petrol and Incompetence

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True - but why did Cameron go out of his way to describe buying a large pasty from Leeds station from a shop that doesn't exist? Wouldn't it have been better to say 'I can't remember' - rather than invent some silly lie about deciding to have a large one rather than small one?


The point, beyond the silliness, is that it shows them up as being out of touch with ordinary people.


Whilst it seems funny and irrelevant when you read this



it could also lead to people losing their jobs, which isn't funny.



Could it be because he's a politician, and he was speaking, so therefore it was easier for him to lie than to either shut up or tell the truth?
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Cameron and Maude managed to cause a run on fuel, by idiotically telling people to fill up and then illegally store fuel in their garages, followed minutes later by the Fire Service telling people NOT to do that - although it was already too late as idiots around the country decided to panic buy fuel anyway - for a strike that hasn't even been announced yet!



What do you expect when Corporal Maude does his impression of Corporal Jones by fuelling the crisis.

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Did he actually mean Jerry can or was he just thinking of a normal 5L plastic petrol can and getting the name wrong?


Does it matter? It just shows how out-of-touch all politicians are. Can you imagine Frances Maude (or any politician, come to that) knowing how to even fill a car up, let alone the meaning of 'jerry can'?


Then we've got Balls, Milliband and that dopey bird who trails round with them, claiming to exist on sausage rolls (until, that is, the Muslims get involved and just watch the U-turn).


And cigs. As if the hike in price is aimed at improving the health of smokers! The very last thing politicians want is people living longer. That, and anybody but themselves actually having any money.


In just a week, we've seen what pathetic, ineffective idiots our politicians are.

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The biggest idiot (although he has some fair competition) is Francis Maude. Yesterday he cocked up the message of fuel, and on Monday he was saying that Cameron would not be revealing who he had around for supper, just three hours before he revealed who he had around for supper.


As much as Maude didn't cover himself in glory yesterday, I think there's a long list of bigger idiots them him in the Conservative Party.


Osbourne, Pickles, Rees-Mogg, Raab, Lansley, Dorries, Schapps........we could be here all day at this rate!

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As much as Maude didn't cover himself in glory yesterday, I think there's a long list of bigger idiots them him in the Conservative Party.


Osbourne, Pickles, Rees-Mogg, Raab, Lansley, Dorries, Schapps........we could be here all day at this rate!


Ed Balls & Miliband doing the Greggs walkabout yesterday was the most cringeworthy piece of PR ive seen for some time.


They are all school boys playing Politics very bloody badly.

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What a stroke of Luck


A camera crew happened to be in Greggs, just as Rachel Reeves, Ed Balls and Ed Milliband happened to go in and buy a pasty.


That must mean that if Labour get elected, this VAT on pastys will be removed?


Labour being opportunistic and insincere, whatever next?!


It's a pretty dreadful state of affairs when the Conservatives are increasingly reliant on everyone's bad experiences of the previous Labour government and Labour are similarly reliant on the Conservatives cocking up every single thing they touch.

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Could it be because he's a politician, and he was speaking, so therefore it was easier for him to lie than to either shut up or tell the truth?


Of course - same as when Francis Maude, who made the Jerry can remark was asked about it later in the day and tried to flat out deny having said it!


From a Radio 4 interview...


'Q: But you're telling people to fill jerry cans.


A: No I'm not.'


Even though he blatantly DID!!

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