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Francis Maude Should Resign

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Stop being so precious. Maude made a serious error.


So what are you saying?

When the BBC reported the union had voted for strike action and showed footage from the previous strike of blockaded refineries, lorries blocking roads and massive queues at filling stations no one took any notice. But when Maude told folk not to panic as the union had to give 7 days notice of a strike, but it wouldn't hurt to fill your tank and even your jerry can everyone went mad and filled bathtubs and tea pots with the stuff?

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He's still not responsible for the actions of others.

What people are failing to realise is this woman was pouring petrol into a jug in her KITCHEN, next to a GAS COOKER that was in use, ie a naked flame.


There are countless warning signs at the petrol station regarding naked flames etc. It was her own fault that she failed to heed those warnings or believed that because she wasn't at the petrol station then the chemical properties of petrol were somehow different.


It's the same as if I told you to go out and buy a gun. I'm not accountable if you decided to check if it's loaded by pointing it at your face and squeezing the trigger.


Stop pandering to the stupid and let them hurt themselves, they'll soon learn not to be stupid.


It's a harsh view I grant you but it's needed.


Maude isn't responsible for the actions of others, clearly. But if you stand up in a theatre and shout 'fire' you might expect to create a panic. This is, in effect, what the dim-minded Maude did.

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Maude isn't responsible for the actions of others, clearly. But if you stand up in a theatre and shout 'fire' you might expect to create a panic. This is, in effect, what the dim-minded Maude did.


Nobody would have even known about the ballot if the Government hadn't gone over the top about it, training soldiers, having a COBRA meeting, telling people to stock up....nutters.

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Nobody would have even known about the ballot if the Government hadn't gone over the top about it, training soldiers, having a COBRA meeting, telling people to stock up....nutters.


Precisely.We are being led by monkeys. In fact, monkeys would do a better job.

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So what are you saying?

When the BBC reported the union had voted for strike action and showed footage from the previous strike of blockaded refineries, lorries blocking roads and massive queues at filling stations no one took any notice. But when Maude told folk not to panic as the union had to give 7 days notice of a strike, but it wouldn't hurt to fill your tank and even your jerry can everyone went mad and filled bathtubs and tea pots with the stuff?


Yes, in a nutshell that is what happened. Show me evidence of mass panic before the government fabricated this crisis and I'll concede you have a point. You can laugh but people have had to be stopped from filling up empty washing-up liquid bottles, paint tins and even jam jars at petrol stations.

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Nobody would have even known about the ballot if the Government hadn't gone over the top about it, training soldiers, having a COBRA meeting, telling people to stock up....nutters.


Very very interesting article by Charles Moore who is a renowned Tory....




This paragraph particularly, if it can be proved, shows the disgusting way they are using us as pawns in their political games...


But now that I have heard the Conservatives’ private explanation, which is being handed down to constituency associations by MPs, I begin to feel angry.

The private message is as follows. “This is our Thatcher moment. In order to defeat the coming miners’ strike, she stockpiled coal. When the strike came, she weathered it, and the Labour Party, tarred by the strike, was humiliated. In order to defeat the coming fuel drivers’ strike, we want supplies of petrol stockpiled. Then, if the strike comes, we will weather it, and Labour, in hock to the Unite union, will be blamed.”

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So what are you saying?

When the BBC reported the union had voted for strike action and showed footage from the previous strike of blockaded refineries, lorries blocking roads and massive queues at filling stations no one took any notice. But when Maude told folk not to panic as the union had to give 7 days notice of a strike, but it wouldn't hurt to fill your tank and even your jerry can everyone went mad and filled bathtubs and tea pots with the stuff?


There was not a strike it was a blockade orchestrated by Conservative farmers and haulage firm owners and supported by amongst others a certain David Cameron,with the help of the trade unions the blockade was finally ended though the leaders of the dispute were later rewarded. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brynle_Williams :suspect:

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Well, it's one thing recommending that people store petrol in a specially designed container in their garage, and it's another thing pouring petrol next to an open flame.


Yes, the guy is an idiot, and ought to be sacked or to resign, but I don't recall him suggesting that anyone should pour petrol next to a lit gas cooker!


He didn't suggest that and I'm sure he's mortified at what happened and has a great deal of sympathy for the lady who burned herself.


However like I said earlier when you are delivering advice to hoard petrol to 60 million people you have to go for the lowest common denominator. A lot of people are basically stupid. The lowest common denominator we had so far is a woman decanting petrol indoors next to a naked flame. It could get even worse. Bottom line - deliver this kind of advice to 60 million people in the wrong way and there are going to be accidents. Guaranteed. The fire brigade union said it the other day and they know what they are talking about. And what they predicted has basically happened.

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