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Francis Maude Should Resign

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Probably already been said but.


This man, my God.


If he'd have said:


"Yeah, yeah so..take your petrol, in one container..in your kitchen, right...and pour it into like another container...all this is next to a naked flame by the way...that's the most important bit, the naked flame, and of course flammable polyester clothing".


Course he shouldn't resign the woman's was a total moron.


If Jamie Oliver says his new range of knives are the sharpest you can buy, is it his fault if I then go home and stab myself in the face with it?


Errhh no.


Precisely. But this is Sheffield, where people blame Thatcher even if they weren't born when she was PM.


Is Maude a dick? Obviously.


Is that woman who burnt herself a dick? Ditto.


I suppose if somebody eats themselves to death with Greggs sausage rolls before VAT goes on, it'll be the Governments fault...

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He didn't suggest that and I'm sure he's mortified at what happened and has a great deal of sympathy for the lady who burned herself.


Oddly, I hadn't heard about this until late yesterday, and the half dozen individuals who mentioned it all thought that it was darkly hysterical that this woman had self-immolated herself with her own stupidity, doing something that nobody had told her to do, in a way that nobody had told her to do, in a place that nobody had told her to, using a technique that nobody had told her to, next to a naked flame that nobody had told her to light.


Fair's fair. Maud might not have handled it in an intelligent way but anyone trying to blame Maud for that one just to gain political capital is much worse than Maud may be.


Maud should resign, it's about time we had a few politicians on the bonfire, petrol fuelled if required, in order to whip them back into shape. The opposing politicians making hay should also self-immolate on his pyre.

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Not so. They can make a statement of course and in certain circumstances it's best if they provide a context that refers to laws that are designed to protect us. In this case it was especially important he did that.


The truth is this was an off the hoof policy. Not thought through. Schoolboy politics. The government got it so badly wrong so stop defending them.

I'm defending common sense, something you appear to have a vendetta against.


I'm not sure who died and made you think you are King Turd of Crap Mountain but you don't get to tell me what to do :)

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Oddly, I hadn't heard about this until late yesterday, and the half dozen individuals who mentioned it all thought that it was darkly hysterical that this woman had self-immolated herself with her own stupidity, doing something that nobody had told her to do, in a way that nobody had told her to do, in a place that nobody had told her to, using a technique that nobody had told her to, next to a naked flame that nobody had told her to light.


Fair's fair. Maud might not have handled it in an intelligent way but anyone trying to blame Maud for that one just to gain political capital is much worse than Maud may be.


Maud should resign, it's about time we had a few politicians on the bonfire, petrol fuelled if required, in order to whip them back into shape. The opposing politicians making hay should also self-immolate on his pyre.


Nobody thinks Maude instructed the lady to do what she did. She was stupid or perhaps at best completely ignorant of the risks.


But again, this is what the fire brigade unions and motoring organisations etc... started warning about immediately after he made his comments. Petrol is dangerous and most people don't understand how to handle it. If people are encouraged in large numbers to stockpile it at their property, which Maude was clearly putting forward as an option, then accidents will almost certainly happen. People are silly, ignorant and they make mistakes.


Maude's message could so easily have been different and emphasised safety but even on Thursday, 24 hours after his original comments, when interviewed on the radio he was largely dismissive of fire brigade union advice. Probably because the advice was being given by a union no doubt.

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I'm defending common sense, something you appear to have a vendetta against.


I'm not sure who died and made you think you are King Turd of Crap Mountain but you don't get to tell me what to do :)


I'm simply recognising that a lot of people are stupid and were being encouraged to stockpile something that is highly dangerous. In those circumstances the likelihood is something bad will happen. The fire brigade unions and motoring organisations started warning people straight away. The government didn't bother.

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I'm simply recognising that a lot of people are stupid and were being encouraged to stockpile something that is highly dangerous. In those circumstances the likelihood is something bad will happen. The fire brigade unions and motoring organisations started warning people straight away. The government didn't bother.


So just why do they sell the cans for storing petrol?




Fair's fair. Maud might not have handled it in an intelligent way but anyone trying to blame Maud for that one just to gain political capital is much worse than Maud may be.



Its the usual left leaning moon barkers who cry wolf for the sake of it. As always happens sensible folk dismiss their daily rants as politically motivated nonsense. Then of course when there is a wolf at the door no one listens because they've heard it too many times before.


What will have come out of this whole episode is that motorists will top up their tanks when they are half full instead of when the red light comes on. Filling sttions will keep their tanks topped up too rather than running them dry. So WHEN a strike comes there will be 3 or 4 times the amount of fuel in circulation compared to last time, and a few private deliveries and a bit of army help will probably ensure the teeth are pulled on industrial action before it starts to bite.


I stuck £100 worth in my motor last night as there were no queues, and I'll probably take my other car out for a fill today. It doesn't need it but I expect prices to rise so it's an investment.

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So just why do they sell the cans for storing petrol?


What will have come out of this whole episode is that motorists will top up their tanks when they are half full instead of when the red light comes on. Filling sttions will keep their tanks topped up too rather than running them dry. So WHEN a strike comes there will be 3 or 4 times the amount of fuel in circulation compared to last time, and a few private deliveries and a bit of army help will probably ensure the teeth are pulled on industrial action before it starts to bite.


People are ignorant of the risks. On Wednesday a certain poster on here provided a link to a Jerry can from Halfords for storing water and inferred it could be used for fuel. Then they started posting links to illegal 20 litre Jerry cans and suggested the same. We have reports of people filling jam jars, paint tins etc.. People ARE ignorant.


What will also come out of it is a lot more petrol stored at private properties, perhaps not being stored or handled safely.


The thing is I don't even fundamentally disagree with the concept of people safely storing a little bit of emergency fuel. I just wish Maude had done his job properly and used a little bit of common sense himself.

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Since he asked people to store petrol in cans in their garage and that women got sever burns from doing so, he should resign. Disasterous Dave Cameron should also resign for causing all the panic in the first place.

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Since he asked people to store petrol in cans in their garage and that women got sever burns from doing so, he should resign. Disasterous Dave Cameron should also resign for causing all the panic in the first place.


She suffered severe burns from sloshing petrol about in her kitchen with a naked flame nearby and for being terminally thick.

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Very very interesting article by Charles Moore who is a renowned Tory....




This paragraph particularly, if it can be proved, shows the disgusting way they are using us as pawns in their political games...


But now that I have heard the Conservatives’ private explanation, which is being handed down to constituency associations by MPs, I begin to feel angry.

The private message is as follows. “This is our Thatcher moment. In order to defeat the coming miners’ strike, she stockpiled coal. When the strike came, she weathered it, and the Labour Party, tarred by the strike, was humiliated. In order to defeat the coming fuel drivers’ strike, we want supplies of petrol stockpiled. Then, if the strike comes, we will weather it, and Labour, in hock to the Unite union, will be blamed.”


Having read that article Cameron is a dead man walking.

If the Telegraph has that opinion of him he is finished.

The Mirror has a similar opinion of Miliband.


We cannot continue with no government and no oppostion.

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