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Francis Maude Should Resign

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Looking at this, should the news person be sacked, as he was the one that pushed the jerry can item further, all francis maude said, was keep a little in the garage just in case.


No. Maude boasted of having spent 4 weeks planning. Maude mentioned Jerry cans first. If he had spent the 4 weeks doing his job properly he would not have even mentioned jerry cans. He would have mentioned 'suitable containers' and emphasised safety aspects of the behaviour he was promoting. Either he didn't want to mention the safety concerns because it would have put people off following is advice, or he was spectacularly misinformed about the risk and the law. In either case he failed big time.


On the other hand the news presenter would probably have been briefed for a short time that day, not having the benefit of spending 4 weeks as part of his full-time job looking into the issues.


This video makes it worse for Maude, not better. And trying to deflect the blame onto a news presenter is a bit cheap IMO.

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Maude made the simple mistake of assuming that people aren't incredibly stupid.


He forgot that 13 years of the state interfering in the minutiae of people's lives has left an entire nation unable to think for itself.

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Maude made the simple mistake of assuming that people aren't incredibly stupid.


He forgot that 13 years of the state interfering in the minutiae of people's lives has left an entire nation unable to think for itself.



I think I read that the woman in question was 42 years old, this mean that she would have been educated in the 80's when Thatcher was in. Probably in a delipidated classroom, sharing a text book between 5 in a class size of about 40!

Just a chicken coming home to roost Tone!;)

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Doubtful. She was at school at the same time as me, but perhaps her school didn't teach Latin and the classics like mine did.


Do state schools teach classical languages and ancient wisdom since Labour came to power, or is it all nail therapy and sharing your feelings about maths?

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Doubtful. She was at school at the same time as me, but perhaps her school didn't teach Latin and the classics like mine did.


Do state schools teach classical languages and ancient wisdom since Labour came to power, or is it all nail therapy and sharing your feelings about maths?



Schools used to teach subjects like metalwork but I fear after the ravages of the Thatcher nightmare this has long since bitten the dust.

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Didn't see this thread when it was posted, so apologies for going back to the first post, but I think it was a deliberate ploy personally.


He said it to create a panic on purpose to immediately turn the public against the potential strikers before they have even gone on strike. If he hadn't done it the public opinion would have been somewhere around "meh" until the strike actually started - this way it put pressure on the union to not have a strike at all.




He said it to distract attention from Pastygate and No10 Dinnergate. It worked a treat. It's funny how Labour were all over the Tories about Pies and Donations but not a peep out of them about the panic of tanker drivers going on strike. Wonder why? Oh yes, that's right, Labour are the public face of the Unite union.

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Wednesday1, I think you've got your facts a bit jumbled up. My school taught metalwork, woodwork.. all that sort of stuff. All while Thatcher was on the big chair.


Sadly, Labour changed my old school into one specialising in the performing arts which will be useful for all the aspiring X-Factor candidates. I suppose that's why they no longer see any need to teach Latin, classics, Greek, Russian...


It's also been put into special measures.

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He said it to distract attention from Pastygate and No10 Dinnergate. It worked a treat. It's funny how Labour were all over the Tories about Pies and Donations but not a peep out of them about the panic of tanker drivers going on strike. Wonder why? Oh yes, that's right, Labour are the public face of the Unite union.


Milliband (E) published the list of people he's had dinner with. Len McCluskey appears on the list every few months.

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