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Francis Maude Should Resign

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He always has been a complete and utter arrogant idiot!


I heartily agree. And after this poor woman being burnt, he should go.

Not just because of her accident, but because of the next one and the next one after that , because be sure of one thing, there will be more cases like this woman.

To go from a few % handling petrol at home( mowers etc) to 60-70%? doing it with no experience, many of them using unsuitable containers, it was utterly predictable as pointed out by the FBU and the HSE and the RAC and the AA.


So it's all bad news. :(



On a lighter note here we see The Right Honourable Francis Maude MP caught with his pants on fire and being handed is a.r.s.e. on a plate by Eddie Maher of BBC R4. Enjoy :D


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There is to be no strike, so all Camerons rubbish talk has been for naught.


What a complete blithering idiot the man is.

It's certainly not been "for nought" for the Exchequer (Maude must be their Employee of the Month :hihi:), and how much more idiotic must all the motorists who queued for hours, lost their tempers, etc. feel now? :hihi:


I took particular delight in parking adjacent the Mhall Sainsbury's petrol station this morning on my way to work, to go buy some bits at the forecourt kiosk (plenty of queuing cars/vans at the time)...but no petrol :twisted:


Sheeple, eh...what would Britain do without'em?

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It's certainly not been "for nought" for the Exchequer (Maude must be their Employee of the Month :hihi:), and how much more idiotic must all the motorists who queued for hours, lost their tempers, etc. feel now? :hihi:


Especially those who paid extra at those stations which put fuel prices up!

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Let me get this straight:

mother stockpiles petrol (due to Gvt warning or not, that's not confirmed...could have been the family lamnwomer's ration for all we know)

daughter runs out of fuel and asks mom for petrol

mom transvases petrol in kitchen near a lit stove

unsurprisingly, bang/wooof

...and that's somehow the fault of a Gvt announcement?


How? :huh:


I feel a Darwin Award nomination coming on, but hopefully the mom will recover.


But if there's going to be 'blame', then-

the mom should take it first, for being careless;

the daughter should take it next, for not doing it herself; and

untold numbers of local motorists should take it after that, for (expectedly) preventing her daughter from filling up any earlier (by being stupid themselves, let it be said).


I'm not fond of any particular party or Minister, but please dial the rethoric down a bit as, in all objectivity (look it up, peeps), the Gvt is a long way down the (ordered) list of 'culprits'.


@ Anna B - do you know if the MD of Fiskars (the only manufacturers of scissors in the whole wide world) had dinner with Cameron recently? I feel like running with a pair of scissors this weekend :rolleyes:

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I heartily agree. And after this poor woman being burnt, he should go.

Not just because of her accident, but because of the next one and the next one after that , because be sure of one thing, there will be more cases like this woman.

To go from a few % handling petrol at home( mowers etc) to 60-70%? doing it with no experience, many of them using unsuitable containers, it was utterly predictable as pointed out by the FBU and the HSE and the RAC and the AA.


So it's all bad news. :(



On a lighter note here we see The Right Honourable Francis Maude MP caught with his pants on fire and being handed is a.r.s.e. on a plate by Eddie Maher of BBC R4. Enjoy :D



It struck me that some people would be storing petrol in plastic milk bottles. I am not saying this women was doing that, but its so easy for something like this to happen - and then there are children and arson issues.

Yes, all doom and gloom, but seriously I hope this women makes a speedy recovery - :thumbsup:

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Staggeringly stupid. Hope she recovers well.


It just shows how little people know of the substances they handle daily.

From government ministers to housewives.


If both had known the nature of this fluid, he would not have given that advice, and she would have so innocently handled it.

I am sure.

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