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Francis Maude Should Resign

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How do you know that for a fact? With a source, if you please (Balpin's post does not count :D:P)


I do not know this for a fact. Do you know for a fact that it was unrelated to the Government's advice?


That article does not even suggest that was the case.


"It is unclear whether Ms Hill's actions were in response to controversial Government advice." This sound's like a suggestion to me.


EDIT - and I did not call the mom 'stupid', just 'careless'. You do know the difference, right?


Your post has been edited. That is quite clear.

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Correct. I have edited my post as you can see.


I stand by my post. I firmly believe that if the Government had not advised people to fill up their tanks, and jerry cans this woman would not be in Hospital.


Im not suggesting that the Government were directly responsible for her injuries, however you have to acknowledge it was a casual factor.


So do you think the Government are to blame for this:


Garage rage: Fights at petrol pumps as ministers are accused of losing plot on fuel crisis



But it was the fights over petrol that marked just how deep the crisis has become. Even pensioners were seen slugging it out – and the strike has not even started yet.


Mum-of-three Marie Kirk was filling up at Rainford, Merseyside, when a scrap broke out between two men.


The 42-year-old said: “One was trying to push in the queue and the other wasn’t having any of it. Their cars almost crashed and that’s what set it off.


Maybe people have been under Labour's nanny state too long?

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Is the average person inobservant to the point of not seeing/noticing, ever and despite repeat visits to such places throughout their lifetime, the day-glo foot-big warnings plastered all over forecourts about dangers of ignition from flames, sparks, mobiles, fags, etc, etc?


Essentially, according to your post, the average person in Britain is terminally stupid. Is that your point, or have I misunderstood you?




Not the average person.

But how many average people are there?

People like thee and me, well above average, but the vast majority well below average.

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I think a few people need to check back on a few threads on SF for a clue here.


At the start of the week there were numerous posts on the forum when signs of a srtrike first became apparent. These threads discussed queue's at petrol stations and petrol selling out.


Regardless of government intervention, people would have acted as they did on previous occasions that strikes occurred, or threats of strikes became apparrent - they would have panic bought.


The comments by the government were stupid, and regrettable, and probably were in reposnse to taunting from an opposition who handled it no better in their tenure. But if they hadn't been made, the outcome would have been no different.


These womans injuries are unfortunate. But to claim she panic bought because she was told to by the government is deluded. and to claim she wouldn't have known at here senior age) that petrol is highly flammable is also deluded. It's on a par with saying that if she wasn't told by the government not to wash her hair with it under candlelight then the government would be to blame for that too.

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What I am saying is that people in positions of percieved authority should not make public pronoucements on vital things like this.


"Store jerry cans in your garage" was the government advice.


Nothing about breaking the law by filling them to the brim. Nothing about decanting it in your kitchen into glass jugs when the cooker is on. Nothing about not fighting on the forecourt.


How much dumbing down does the government have to make it for the sheep that is the UK population?

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Just look at the most popular programmes on TV and the most popular newspapers. That should tell you a fair bit about the state of the intelligence of the British public.


Petrol stinks. If someone needs advice on not messing with it in the kitchen they are seriously lacking common sense.


Incidentally, that Sky link posted: http://news.sky.com/home/uk-news/article/16199277


has some text stating "Minister Francis Maude issued controversial advice on filling jerrycans" but with a picture of normal petrol cans, not jerry cans.

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"Store jerry cans in your garage" was the government advice.


Nothing about breaking the law by filling them to the brim. Nothing about decanting it in your kitchen into glass jugs when the cooker is on. Nothing about not fighting on the forecourt.


How much dumbing down does the government have to make it for the sheep that is the UK population?


A fuel can, or any fuel container is safer when filled to the brim.

There is then no gas/air mixture to explode.


Incidentally if we all ran on diesel these horrible accidents would not occur.


You can extinguish a lighted match in a tub of diesel and it wont burn.


Try that with petrol, and I will see you at Pinderfields, if you are still alive.

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