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Any one go to Owler Lane Intermediate school


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Thanks for that Glyn, I had thought it must be novemberish; now what was the iconic line that you finished on ... and thousands and THOUSANDS OF MEN!! or something like that... oh happy days. Now I just have to find someone who knows the whereabouts of Mick Carr and Mick Simpkins. I suppose inviting you and California Tyke to the Black Bull at Ecclesfield on the 10th july for The Cellermen gig is asking a bit much... thought so, but you may be there in spirit.


Hi Adrian.....

.......would have loved to come to the Black Bull for your gig..........trouble is I'm in Los Angeles and my next promised trip is the other way in October for my nephew's wedding in Melbourne.

Try to get some good photos....or even video ( you could You Tube it.

A couple of pints in Ecclesfield would be great right now......we're in the middle of a 100f plus heat wave at present.

Later... Steve Radford.

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I have just unearthed a Prize Distribution programme which was held at the City Hall on the Thursday 19th November 19,64 at 7.30pm. Is this the one that you are all referring to? On the back page is a list of all the pupils who achieved GCEs O Level. I note that Adrian C Hodgett was in form 5B. I have loads of photographs from both Owler Lane and Hinde House, which I will take to the reunion on the 11th July. Some of you have already seen these but there may others who haven't. I believe that there are plans for another reunion later in the year as there are people who can't make this one due to holidays etc. Glynn when you have your dates for coming over we will meet up with the usual crowd. Maybe we can tempt others to join us. As for the photo's on Ken's web page - I do know some of the missing names but also feel that some of the faces have been wrongly named or maybe I need new glasses!

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Formcaptain! remember me---- F J, we met up by Whitby road school when we were 15yr old kids.

We were approached by a hook nosed, blond haired fellow who started talking to us in a not so nice way and i told him to go away and he pulled out a knife and threatend me.

I remember it well! Do you?

Regards FJ.

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I think it must have exhausted them Geoff, no stamina these old folks!

It certainly exhausted me, but that had a lot to do with getting up at 4:30am for the video hook-up kindly provided by Phil, followed by an all-day bushwalk.

It was good to see the faces of you all, it was a shame I had to go so early, but SWMBO waits for no man!!


Phil, following up on your request for the co-ordinates for our place, I have put a link to a pdf file on the bottom of our page, just click on "our place" for it. I outlined the block in white, it's pretty dry in that shot, we were in the middle of a 3-year long drought.


I have updated the page a bit, but further work will have to wait a while as other things require some time to be spent on them- however, keep the information coming, it will all get used eventually.

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Hello everybody or as they say over here 'konnichi wa minna san' hope the do went off ok.It's a pity I couldn't have joined you.I'll be arriving on the evening of July 28th and will be leaving on August 28th.I hope we can meet.Ken,I tried clicking on my picture and a blank page came up with no cursor so I wasn't able to add anything.I'm absolutely crap at computers so it's probably something I'm doing wrong.I had a look at the other pics and in the first year pic the lad next to the teacher who's been Id'd as Andrew Civico is in fact Jeffrey Wille.The fourth year pic that is mostly girls is the commercial class so one of the lads is Alan Vernon and it looks like the teacher is Mr Ashton.

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It's not that you are crap with computers Glyn, I have to add the info from here. If you (or anyone else- hint hint) wants anything put on their page, just send it to me via email and I can fix it up.

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I have just unearthed a Prize Distribution programme which was held at the City Hall on the Thursday 19th November 19,64 at 7.30pm. Is this the one that you are all referring to? On the back page is a list of all the pupils who achieved GCEs O Level. I note that Adrian C Hodgett was in form 5B. I have loads of photographs from both Owler Lane and Hinde House, which I will take to the reunion on the 11th July. Some of you have already seen these but there may others who haven't. I believe that there are plans for another reunion later in the year as there are people who can't make this one due to holidays etc. Glynn when you have your dates for coming over we will meet up with the usual crowd. Maybe we can tempt others to join us. As for the photo's on Ken's web page - I do know some of the missing names but also feel that some of the faces have been wrongly named or maybe I need new glasses!


Hi Moe

Lorraine, not surprisingly, has done well to find these photos and remains top of the class.

Some of the missing names I think are Keith Johnson, John Ledwood, Marie Arliss, Anne Wood, Linda Hogg, Micheal Greatbatch, Joan Crow, Jackie Pledger, Alan Whitehead, Keith Hibberd. Anne Richardson, Jeffrey Wille, Jackie Reaney

No doubt you will edit these as my memory isn't the best.

I shall be back from the States, health permitting, mid September and will arrange with Phil for a get together.

PS. Ken's giggeripokery with the photos are impressive.

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We have Val to thank for the photos, she has also sent better definition ones directly to Ken. Sorry about the confusion with the names my memory is not what it was, and I think a couple of glasses of red wine had been drunk when I was doing it. If anyone has the time and inclination maybe they can sort them row by row.

Really hope to be able to make one of the reunions this year not that I will recognise anyone the eyesight is not as it used to be either!!

Regards to all


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We have Val to thank for the photos, she has also sent better definition ones directly to Ken. Sorry about the confusion with the names my memory is not what it was, and I think a couple of glasses of red wine had been drunk when I was doing it. If anyone has the time and inclination maybe they can sort them row by row.

Really hope to be able to make one of the reunions this year not that I will recognise anyone the eyesight is not as it used to be either!!

Regards to all


Hi Lorraine good to see you have joined the forum. I thought that I would be the only girl joining in. I have replied to Ken and added more names to the list. The reunion was a bit of a washout. Only a few were there but there is another planned for later in the year. Maybe you could join us? Val mentioned about us having a get together in Spain. I have no idea where you live in Spain but there should be some decent hostelries near you where we can doss down.

Hope to see you soon


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