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Any one go to Owler Lane Intermediate school


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Hi Jim,


Did you also attend Owler Lane or did you meet Spud through Hillsborough ?


Any idea what ever happened to good old spud?

I don't live in Sheffield area now but I do have some family in the area. I moved to the Isle of Wight about 8 years ago.


My family paid and organized for me and my two youngest sons to go to Hillsborough to celebrate my 70th birthday. That was the last home game of the season against Bolton. I got my name on the electronic scoreboard and I am in the programme as well. Shame about the result, but I had a great weekend of surprises.

Thanks for replying


Parny (Dave Parnham)


---------- Post added 18-05-2014 at 18:38 ----------


Hi Peter,


Thanks for your comment, what has happened to Bob, any idea? As I remember, when we were at school and for about 6 years after, he lived somewhere in the Wincobank area .Never knew what he did for a job. He was pretty good at sport when we were at school, a bit quiet , tall, thin with dark hair.




Parny (Dave Parnham)



Hello Dave,


I've just been in touch with my brother who also worked with Bob at the Town Hall and he's sure it's the same person.

He meets up with Bob and other ex workmates on a regular basis and advises me that he's keeping well and all that's changed about him is his hair colour :)


Regards, Peter

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  • 1 month later...
Hi parny

As you know I was at owler lane at the same and of course remember all those names My name is Ken Taylor others I remember are Bill Asquith, Mick Pears,and the girls Gill Hawksworth and her best mate I think her name was Pat ferguson both their parents had fish and chip shops in Woodseats.Also Lorraine Totty

Surprising how many of us from that same year went on to be police officers.

A few of us also played football and/or cricket for grimesthorpe boys club I remember Buzz Wiseman was our opening baller and batsman.No wonder we won the league so often.Apart from you I am not in contact with any of the others.Perhaps that might change.

Hi Ken, Dave Reed here, not sure if you will remember me but I do remember you. I always thought you would make pro football, certainly not a cop in a million years. I hit the big 70 in a couple of months and was wondering who else had made it, hence me stumbling across this site. I'm still working full time and loving life. I remember all the names on here and many more if I just put my mind to it. Pete Needham, Dave Higginbottom, Roger Sullivan, John Clarke, Dave Cone, Dave Bacon, Dave Williamson, Bill Carr, Alan Merry, Bob Jennings, Pete Bulloss, Peter Clayton, Peter Swann. There were 7 Dave's so including Dave Parnham and me there's still one missing. I can see his face but not the surname.(was it Bloomfield?). Remember the teachers too, particularly Joe Lupton. He gave me four almost every Monday morning so he’s etched on my brain. And what was the name of that maniac who used a rubber hose as his weapon of choice. I heard he’d gone on to work at Guantanamo Bay. By the way, if Bill Asquith is reading this, you owe me one and sixpence plus interest from 1959 :o)

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  • 3 months later...

I attended Owler Lane during the period 1951-56 before going on to City Grammar with another bloke form our class called Alan Towers. I have many vivid memories of that period of my life and noted that Alan Belk, who was in my class, had posted on this thread...I'll leave this as my first contact to see what happens...It's such a long time ago and I will be 75 on September 29...If there is any reaction, I have great recollections of the teachers of the time and some of the girls i fell in love with...

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Hi Ken, Dave Reed here, not sure if you will remember me but I do remember you. I always thought you would make pro football, certainly not a cop in a million years. I hit the big 70 in a couple of months and was wondering who else had made it, hence me stumbling across this site. I'm still working full time and loving life. I remember all the names on here and many more if I just put my mind to it. Pete Needham, Dave Higginbottom, Roger Sullivan, John Clarke, Dave Cone, Dave Bacon, Dave Williamson, Bill Carr, Alan Merry, Bob Jennings, Pete Bulloss, Peter Clayton, Peter Swann. There were 7 Dave's so including Dave Parnham and me there's still one missing. I can see his face but not the surname.(was it Bloomfield?). Remember the teachers too, particularly Joe Lupton. He gave me four almost every Monday morning so he’s etched on my brain. And what was the name of that maniac who used a rubber hose as his weapon of choice. I heard he’d gone on to work at Guantanamo Bay. By the way, if Bill Asquith is reading this, you owe me one and sixpence plus interest from 1959 :o)



All of these names are well known to me as I was in the same class at times with them (55-60).There was a David Bloomfield (very tall) from Abbeyfield Rd I think,also a David Wiseman, John Gilbert and Stewart Mellors.By the way I,m another Dave (Sowter) ---bottom row,4th from left


Clark was the guy with the gas pipe.

Who was the one with a twin brother at Redcaps, top left I think.


Edited by beezerboy
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I'm just thinking that after nearly 50 years since leaving Owler Lane, it would be a small miracle if anyone in our class during the period 1951-56 would pick up on this message. Still, if I didn't bother nobody would know anyway...


---------- Post added 25-09-2014 at 21:56 ----------


That parsleydiva character is from my era...I remember Miss Unwin well...She had me caned by Joe Lupton for slamming a classroom door...We made up some years later when I met her in Rotherham (I worked with her husband...a bloke called McKenzie...nice chap)...


---------- Post added 27-09-2014 at 02:48 ----------


The bloke a year behind me at Owler Lane (1952) was James Marshall who followed me to Sheffield City Grammar and then we went together to Leeds University...After graduation we lost touch but he became a Labour MP and I read where he died of a heart attack when still in office...Any memories ?

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Hi Beezerboy,


Sure I remember you Dave, You were a quiet one like me. Nice picture! I see you are sat between John Gilbert and the guy on your right who's name escapes me. Was it Oates? Roger Sullivan is next to John Gilbert, I know Roger joined the navy, and I think Pete Bullas is next to Roger. I'm third from the right, back row, next to Bob Jennings who left to move to Coventry when his dad got a job there. Digging into my memory banks the twins were Roger and Geoff Hulley I believe. I think ours was Roger, although you could never tell them apart. I once spent a full five minutes speaking to Geoff before I realised it was the wrong brother. You would have thought the red cap uniform would have given me a clue eh?

I hated the place and the luckiest day of my life was when Pop Gregory told me I should leave at 15. Never looked back since.

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Born Lucky, that's nice to hear,me too, made it another day. I thought I was along way from home but evidently not so far as some. Roger Sullivan joined the merchant Navy, I believe he lived at the pub on Spital Hill when the shootings happened one Xmas. The name Oates seems right,not a clue of his first name. Best wishes, take care .


PS would love to know if anyone as contact with Stuart Mellors , I worked with him at Flathers in the early 70's, also is Dennis Damms on this photo??

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Hi Beezerboy, Yep! Rogers dad's pub was called East House. I remember him telling me that these guys were stood around the piano singing Christmas Carols when this Arab guy walked in and opened fire. Nothing changes eh? I think he killed three and wounded two, one quite seriously. Someone told me that he would have shot another bloke but the gun didn't go off. Re Dennis Damms, I can name all the guys in the photo except for three, but I don't think any of those are Dennis. The Oates? guy, was it Graham? Talking about a long way from home, it amazes me that there are so many from that period who now live abroad. It seems an incredibly high percentage out of what was probably around 120 pupils.

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