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Any one go to Owler Lane Intermediate school


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Hi, is your alias anything to do with the 'cafe' on Union Street,in years gone by?


Alas my misspent youth is uncovered ! I was indeed a habituee of the famous El Mambo from app '57 onwards I would guess. Did you perchance do the circuit - Minerva - Nelson - Barleycorn - Mambo. Our paths must have crossed sometime in the dim and distant past. I'll not say any more about the Mambo, some one mentioned there is another thread and I'm going to post on it when I get time.

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Come on you Owler Lane Scholars. You cannot all have emmigrated. I Have met up with Parsley Diva and between us we have 6 photos of various classes for the years 1952/57. It was 50 years to the week since we last saw each other i.e the week we left school.We spent a pleasant time over coffee comparing notes and remembering the scrapes we got into. So come on stop hiding and make yourselves known we promise not to bring out the cane.Hope to hear from some of you soon. Christina Stevenson as was


Hi Christina,

Had a message from one of our classmates through Friends Reunited today. Patricia (Anne) Foster. Do you remember her? She's on the photos and came with me to Owler Lane from Whitby Road School. Her dad was the chimney sweep.

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Come on you Owler Lane Scholars. You cannot all have emmigrated. I Have met up with Parsley Diva and between us we have 6 photos of various classes for the years 1952/57. It was 50 years to the week since we last saw each other i.e the week we left school.We spent a pleasant time over coffee comparing notes and remembering the scrapes we got into. So come on stop hiding and make yourselves known we promise not to bring out the cane.Hope to hear from some of you soon. Christina Stevenson as was


Hi Christina,

Had a message from one of our classmates through Friends Reunited today. Patricia (Anne) Foster. Do you remember her? She's on the photos and came with me to Owler Lane from Whitby Road School. Her dad was the chimney sweep.:huh::)

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