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Any one go to Owler Lane Intermediate school


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Hi Siren, Sure do. I remember all of the teachers' names previously mentioned. I had some great friends too including Anne Lawless, Jill Atkins, Janet Hutchinson, Beryl Timms, Rosemary ?

I also had some good friends in the year below me - David Wilson for one. He and his family went to live in New Mills, I think when we all moved up to Hinde House. Did anyone go on the school trip to Paris in1962? That was great fun.

Thanks for replying.


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I remember Dave Wilson. He did go to New Mills I spoke to him a few years ago via email, he's still there. Obviously grown up and with his own family now.

I didn't even know there was a school trip to Paris, they probably "forgot" to mention it to my class.


Did you go to the reunion about 20yrs ago

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I remember Dave Wilson. He did go to New Mills I spoke to him a few years ago via email, he's still there. Obviously grown up and with his own family now.

I didn't even know there was a school trip to Paris, they probably "forgot" to mention it to my class.


Did you go to the reunion about 20yrs ago


No, Unfortunately- I live in Australia but will be visiting Sheffield in the new year.

I seem to have difficulty posting responses to your message, Siren. This is my 4th try. Fingers crossed


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No, Unfortunately- I live in Australia but will be visiting Sheffield in the new year.

I seem to have difficulty posting responses to your message, Siren. This is my 4th try. Fingers crossed



Its worked this time Joannie. Did you know Owler Lane was demolished years ago. Hinde House was demolished more recently.

Pity really they held a lot of memories.

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This is brilliant

I don't know where they got them from but they appear to have photographs from almost every school in the World.

Unless you went to school when cameras weren't invented, you will find a photo of yourself or at least your classmates.

Click on the link below or type it into your search line.

You have to enter the name of your school and year that you were there.

Give it a go..... ! Click on link below, Enjoy! :-))))


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looking for friends, try this



school photographs

this is brilliant

i don't know where they got them from but they appear to have photographs from almost every school in the world.

Unless you went to school when cameras weren't invented, you will find a photo of yourself or at least your classmates.

Click on the link below or type it into your search line.

You have to enter the name of your school and year that you were there.

Give it a go..... ! Click on link below, enjoy! :-))))



this is really good. Try it!

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Good morning Barry. Not on Facebook so e mail is my mode of communication. Glad to hear from you. Were you in Sheffield a few years ago & gave out a message on Radio Sheffield? I was home recovering from surgery so unable to make contact. I suspect you have been in Australia many years so probably emigrated soon after Uni?


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