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Any one go to Owler Lane Intermediate school


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The younger Mr. Moss, affected a very "French" style. He would often wear a beret and sported a pointy beard. A sort of English idea of what a Frenchman looked like. I remember him as being marginally less boring than the older Mr. Moss.

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Hello Parsley, Glad you enjoy your reunions, they're a good- and important- idea, and thanks for the generous remarks re my (wordy) inputs. No news of my own era though; don't know if the car-park could cope with all the zimmers anyway. Next time you meet, I might peer through the window and see if it's safe to come in...


Just a quick hello to Elmambo re MossBros. Moss the elder was my form master (4B) as well as French. I arrived a few unavoidable seconds late for an early French class.' Good of you to join us' he said. 'Remember, it's the early bird that catches the worm.' How I thought of it I don't know, but I replied;'Look what happened to the worm for being up early sir!'. He smothered a smile and muttered something to me in French, which I believe politely' translated was'Smart-bottom!' I recall him being slightly short tongued which helped his French accent all the years I knew him.

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HI all,

Just a reminder that I, FormCaptain found this forum while searching for Owler Lane in 2008. I joined on December 16, 2008.

I just spent a couple of hours re-reading the thread started by parsleydiva, bless her! It's like turning back the clock.

Following is what was my first post on that date:-

- I was in Mr.Glasby's, Form 2, with the above named boys and Linda McCartney sat in front of me. I always admired her long thick dark wavy hair held up in a pony tail. It was very sad when she died. I remember all of the boys named - sorry to hear that some of them have also passed away. I still have my old form pictures to put faces to the names. I remember Tony Oldale when I saw his name mentioned, but couldn't find out what it was about.

I also happen to be the "gorgeous blonde" in one of Jossman's posts. Hi Pete!

That really blew me away to see my name on the Internet!

I really hope to hear from somebody soon.

They call me Mo



I attended school from September 1954-June 1958 - enjoyed some of it, some not so much!

I remember the first day, sitting in the hall front of the stage with other nervous nellies waiting to be assigned a form room. I sat with Marie Wall, both of us watching the various teachers traversing the hall and seeing a tallish severe looking lady in a tweed skirt suit and hair in a bun - we both grimaced and butterflies fluttered when we were assigned to her class (Form 1a below principles office). Turns out, Miss Smith was the sweetest person!

Just shows appearances can be deceptive.

I was girls' Form Captain in 2a with Mr.Glasby - was it Margaret Dempsey who knew all the names to the classicals he played when no-one else could.

Loved being in the Sheffield School Choir at City Hall - hated solo bits in the school hall - my face is still scarlet!

At the end of the year I was rewarded with a 2 shilling piece for diligently carrying out the Form Captain duties, the height of which were regular errands to cross the main road to the sweet shop and return with a customary bag of broken biscuits. That wasn't Dollie's btw, that was out of bounds for fear of punishment - wonder what went on there .... hmm

3rd year was 3a in the portables with Mr. Moss (holey shoes). I remember we had Ma Fairest there for English Grammar. She used to send me on errands because I always finished the grammar questions first! To this day I go bananas when people get it wrong, e.g. The man was sentenced to jail for shooting a policeman in court today. grrr..

Anne Thorpe sat behind me and I'm happy to say that we now communicate by email and she keeps me up to date with the reunions she & some others have - she just sent some pics and I must say to those pictured, you hardly look a day older!! Sure wish I could join in sometime but it's a pretty long commute from Lindsay, Ontario.

My last year was in 4a with Mrs. Fairest. Won a shilling for second best picture of a Viking ship - first prize went to Carol Lowe - she got half a crown! I sat with Carol Lowe practically every year.

Some others in that year, Maureen Brown, Ann(e) Roe and some whose names are mentioned earlier in this thread but whose faces I still can see.

Passed 3 GCEs but failed History ... ooh was Ma Fairest ever mad - apparently I was the only one who did and she spread it around to the other classes. She never waved to me from the bus after that!

It's been good to reflect back but there's a lot more that springs to mind - another day...

It was sad to read that some of my peers have passed, but I'm hoping there are some out there with whom we can catch up with some news.

I have to get some shut eye now, it's 3am and I can picture most of you just enjoying a cup of tea for your breakfast at 8am.

Love to hear from you,


they call me Mo


---------- Post added 11-02-2016 at 03:28 ----------


To BARRY BUTLER - I lived on Myton Road near Kettlebridge, Darnall.

To FLEETWOOD - my Grandparents lived on Skelwith Road, Grimesthorpe and I'm living in Ontario Canada.

Not sure if you were at Owlerlane during my time there.

It's interesting to see how far some ex-pats have travelled from mucky old Sheffield.

All the best,


.. they call me Mo

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Hi FormCaptain - I see quite a few Ex-Pats from Eastern Canada on the Forum but not to many in my neck of the woods. I was born and bred in the Botham St area of Grimesthorpe, I attended the other Owler Lane School not the Intermediate. Did you or Norrie come across a Brian Howe around 45 or 46ish, I know Norrie mentioned a lot of Brian's but I didn't see his name mentioned, it's only that he went to your school and he eventually married a girl from our class by the name of Jean Archer, they were really a nice couple and I knew them both. fleetwood

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Hi Fleetwood,

Sorry, I don't recognize any of the names that Norrie has listed - I see he was there around 1950, 4 years before me.

When did you come to Canada - I arrived on the 28th October 1971 on the Empress of Canada. 2 days out from Liverpool we encountered a force 8 gale! Everyone in turn was sea-sick as was most of the crew. Fortunately it didn't last for long.

We had been advised to be prepared for cold weather so we arrived in sheepskin coats and blankets, only to be met with 72degrees in Montreal!


They call me Mo

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  • 3 weeks later...

To Parsleydiva Trying to unravel the recent threads which were very interesting & informative. What years were you at OLIS? When/where do you meet for periodic reunions?


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What exactly is/was an 'Intermediate school ?' I went to Burngreave (which wasn't one.) How many of them were they in Sheffield and when did that educational practice begin and end ?


Half way between a grammar school and a secondary modern. We had cap and blazer uniforms (got called a puff in my first week as I walked along Sedan Street, lol). I think there was another one somewhere in the city. They ceased to exist when the comprehensive system was brought in. Owler Lane Intermediate closed down and we were shifted to Hinde House. Not sure what happened to Owler Lane East.

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Half way between a grammar school and a secondary modern. We had cap and blazer uniforms (got called a puff in my first week as I walked along Sedan Street, lol). I think there was another one somewhere in the city. They ceased to exist when the comprehensive system was brought in. Owler Lane Intermediate closed down and we were shifted to Hinde House. Not sure what happened to Owler Lane East.


I think 'Owler Lane east' became 'Earl Marshall Comprehensive' but still don't know the difference (Intermediate) between the two. (Thanks Mike !)

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I think 'Owler Lane east' became 'Earl Marshall Comprehensive' but still don't know the difference (Intermediate) between the two. (Thanks Mike !)


Intermediate simply meant that in academic standards it was midway between a grammar school and a secondary modern. The basis of selection was the 11+ exam. From my class at All Saints one went to grammar school (Firth Park), three to Owler Lane (the also rans), and the rest to Burny.

In September 1963 we amalgamated with Hinde House Secondary Modern to form Hinde House Comprehensive. It always puzzled me why we didn't simply stay put and join with Owler Lane East.

Edited by Jim Hardie
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