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Any one go to Owler Lane Intermediate school


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Hi Phil, I also won't be able to make it to the reunion, but I have a webcam in my laptop so if you could set up the other end that would be good. The time difference is no problem, I have always been a bit of a night-owl anyway. You are currently 9 hours behind us, so it will only be 1am for me anyway, I am quite often still up them.

It would be good to do a test before the event though, I've never had occasion to use the webcam yet.

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AARRGGH lets try that one again- one shouldn't try to do mental arithmetic when tired- it will be 5am not 1am!!- and I am NOT usually up then, but my alarm clock will fix that problem.

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Andrew has sent me a copy of a class photo from '62, brought back a lot of memories, and it started me thinking (well, it had to happen sooner or later.....).


I can set up a web page on my web site (see the sig at the end of my messages) with photo's etc if anybody wants. Just send me enough material and a few thoughts/ideas and we can go from there.

It would mean that all of us could share the thoughts and memories much easier, being all in one place and accessible 24/7.

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Hi new, joiner here, I'm from the same era but I think 1 year older; I joined HH from owler lane as the 1st 5th year in (I think 1963), Ive heard from Glyn Senior before via freinds Re-united. I remember Ralph O'Donnell and Ian Heap ( sadist with a large plymsol) but my main question is can anyone remember the date of the first combined speech day held at Sheffield City Hall (only venue large enough for all 1100 pupils and proud parents). By the way I'm Adrian Hodgett also known as 'Hodge' and I'm trying to track down dates when my earliest band performed. If anyone remembers the speech day in question ( and Glynn Senior should with the performance that 'Hookey' coaxed out of him) we did a kind of time capsule show with a 'story-line' revolving around a lad who was 'chased' by imaginary police and as part of the story he went into a youth club at which our band did a cameo and played a couple of songs. So part one of the quest is to find the date of the Speech Day function and part two of the quest is to track down some of the other band members. The members we are looking for are Mick Simpkins ( a Firth Park lad but who may not be a HH pupil, and Mick Carr who was definately a HH pupil). I hope to hear from you soon.

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Hi Adrian....

.....this is Steve Radford.


I'd almost forgotten about that City Hall event.


I remember one part where Glyn Senior was leading a group of demonstrators and I ran on .....dressed in black....flashing a torch.....as one of the arresting Police.


I got told off for checking out your equipment at a rehearsal before the show.

When I saw how much attention your band was getting...........and seeing Eric Clapton at the Mojo Club......it kind of veered me away from the career the teachers and my parents had planned.


What did you play in the band?......I seem to remember a powder blue Futurama ...or similar.




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Hi new, joiner here, I'm from the same era but I think 1 year older; I joined HH from owler lane as the 1st 5th year in (I think 1963), Ive heard from Glyn Senior before via freinds Re-united. I remember Ralph O'Donnell and Ian Heap ( sadist with a large plymsol) but my main question is can anyone remember the date of the first combined speech day held at Sheffield City Hall (only venue large enough for all 1100 pupils and proud parents). By the way I'm Adrian Hodgett also known as 'Hodge' and I'm trying to track down dates when my earliest band performed. If anyone remembers the speech day in question ( and Glynn Senior should with the performance that 'Hookey' coaxed out of him) we did a kind of time capsule show with a 'story-line' revolving around a lad who was 'chased' by imaginary police and as part of the story he went into a youth club at which our band did a cameo and played a couple of songs. So part one of the quest is to find the date of the Speech Day function and part two of the quest is to track down some of the other band members. The members we are looking for are Mick Simpkins ( a Firth Park lad but who may not be a HH pupil, and Mick Carr who was definately a HH pupil). I hope to hear from you soon.



Can't remember anything about your band! Which worries me! But I remember you, who could forget you with your story of your dad or G/dad trapped in a log cabin in Canada fighting off Indians. I believed you (ish)is it really true? I think my brother did some work for you once, my name is Dennis Cerrone. I thought Mr Heaps name was Peter or Michael.



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Hi again, bit new to this so Steve Radford first; yep thats definately the occasion, but you've got me mistaken, I was the drummer, the guitarist was Vernon Hazzlewood who at one time did have a futurama, the bass was Martin Willingham; any Idea of the date? Dennis next; I you can't remember the band maybe you didn't go to the speech day or maybe as I suspect the date was later in the year and you'd left anyway. Heap's name was deffo Ian and yes your steve did do some work for me.

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Hi again, bit new to this so Steve Radford first; yep thats definately the occasion, but you've got me mistaken, I was the drummer, the guitarist was Vernon Hazzlewood who at one time did have a futurama, the bass was Martin Willingham; any Idea of the date? Dennis next; I you can't remember the band maybe you didn't go to the speech day or maybe as I suspect the date was later in the year and you'd left anyway. Heap's name was deffo Ian and yes your steve did do some work for me.


Adrian. If you mean the Gym Teacher, it was Mick Heap.

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Thanks for that Glyn, I had thought it must be novemberish; now what was the iconic line that you finished on ... and thousands and THOUSANDS OF MEN!! or something like that... oh happy days. Now I just have to find someone who knows the whereabouts of Mick Carr and Mick Simpkins. I suppose inviting you and California Tyke to the Black Bull at Ecclesfield on the 10th july for The Cellermen gig is asking a bit much... thought so, but you may be there in spirit.

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