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Any one go to Owler Lane Intermediate school


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Was you in the far end prefab, Tony Shepard (blogs) was in you class, the only other names I can recall are Malcolm Seemley and Janet Hood neither of which are still with us. Some of your form rooms were the science lab in the second year (physic teacher in charge) 3rd year can't remember 4th year Mr Board Room 7 and 5 year room 3 (Joe Lupton). We have both remembered Boris Canning half the class for flicking paper pelets at partition. It follows that we must have been in the same class at some time at the school.

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Was you in the far end prefab, Tony Shepard (blogs) was in you class, the only other names I can recall are Malcolm Seemley and Janet Hood neither of which are still with us. Some of your form rooms were the science lab in the second year (physic teacher in charge) 3rd year can't remember 4th year Mr Board Room 7 and 5 year room 3 (Joe Lupton). We have both remembered Boris Canning half the class for flicking paper pelets at partition. It follows that we must have been in the same class at some time at the school.


Can't honestly remember which prefab I was in, but I remember Malcolm Seemly (a smallish boy) and Janet Hood, who I think was Form Captain or something similar. Other names which bubble to the surface from that year - Brian Caddick, Pat Taylor, Barbara Knott, Edwin Jones, Max Bygraves....

I recall I was in 2A, for the second year, with Mr. Glasby ( of the incendiary temper)

Which half of the class were you in? - the ones that got caned or the escapees - I'm pretty sure he whacked the wrong half of the class.

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Boris certainly did get the wrong half of the class, pelets hit the glass partition and that side got the stick. Boris certainly had some funny ways, he once refereed a school match in pouring rain, he a long mac and wellies on, whistle in mouth, he never moved from the half way line on the touch line. I remember him, as we were sitting down shouting Chiltern, Bygraves, Seaton bring you books and then canning them because they had not started working, (they hadn't had time). Glasby also picked on these three.

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I was there till 1953 I rememberthe head I got the cane once enough PE JoeLupton Moss for french a miss Robinson history but only the dates very boring Tom ?? geography Hook english Glasby music remember the City hall concerts and the time we perfomed Bengamin Brittains whatever. the tram rides up to the Redcaps and the baths on Prince of wales road.I lived at Firth Park so I cycled to school and was the key keeper for the shed.

Eric Dearnley Durny Fowler Round Peter Jackson to name but a few cant think of the girls oh Mavis Brown Margery ? Julie little blond

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Boris certainly did get the wrong half of the class, pelets hit the glass partition and that side got the stick. Boris certainly had some funny ways, he once refereed a school match in pouring rain, he a long mac and wellies on, whistle in mouth, he never moved from the half way line on the touch line. I remember him, as we were sitting down shouting Chiltern, Bygraves, Seaton bring you books and then canning them because they had not started working, (they hadn't had time). Glasby also picked on these three.



Oh what fun we had! Mick Chiltern and Keith Seaton (no longer with us I believe) were good friends, t'was us that invested him with the name Boris ( after Karlof)

You must have been with us in the dreaded 3B, the form that was mainly responsible for poor Mr. Priest's breakdown. We all felt really guilty over that. I remember meeting him a few year later in the Ranmoor and thinking he seemed a decent sort of chap.

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.......You must have been with us in the dreaded 3B, the form that was mainly responsible for poor Mr. Priest's breakdown. We all felt really guilty over that. I remember meeting him a few year later in the Ranmoor and thinking he seemed a decent sort of chap.


It's my name, not my profession lad! Top bloke was Dennis.

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Hi elmambo,

I was in the form 3B based in the science lab. Remember when atracted a canning we used to stand under the lamp with the cooley shade, he stood on the raised platform athe front bench. When he lifted the cane he caught the the lamp shade this slowed down his downward stroke thus the blow was softend. Very little pain? Remember his old Austin 7 . He used to give Joe Lupton a lift home both thier heads must have touched the roof. Somebody once propped up the rear Axil on bricks, they both got in and of course it failed to move he put it in reverse and it bounced off the bricks, both banging heads on the roof. It was very funny to watch.

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You must have been with us in the dreaded 3B, the form that was mainly responsible for poor Mr. Priest's breakdown. We all felt really guilty over that. I remember meeting him a few year later in the Ranmoor and thinking he seemed a decent sort of chap.


Trying to remember if he taught Chemistry or Physics???

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