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Galloway wins Bradford West. Weird week for politics just got weirder

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You think Galloway won on the back of anti-Israeli rhetoric in Bradford?


I forgot sarcasm doesn't come across well online.


I'm shocked that he won for the reasons I listed before, I'm pretty sure Bradford has a large Sunni Muslim community, the fact what Saddam and Assad have done against Sunni's, would have counted against him, obviously not.

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I mean race riots, not that extreme shopping nonsense. The bolded quote is just daft.


I don't think it is daft, I think it's an accurate summing up of Daily Mail editorial policy.


As for race riots, the EDL and BNP have long been trying to make those happen anyway, without any supposed Islamic cultural coup as the excuse to justify it. Racists like to make their victims appear as the cause of their bigotry, so they don't have to face up to the real motivation for their actions, ignorance, fear and hatred against other races and religions.

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I don't think it is daft, I think it's an accurate summing up of Daily Mail editorial policy.


As for race riots, the EDL and BNP have long been trying to make those happen anyway, without any supposed Islamic cultural coup as the excuse to justify it.


So its all the Daily Fails fault...:hihi:


What makes you think their readers are any different from the population in general. Don't they have one of the busiest web sites in the world?...

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So its all the Daily Fails fault...:hihi:


What makes you think their readers are any different from the population in general. Don't they have one of the busiest web sites in the world?...


Popularity doesn't equal quality. I'm talking about the tone of seething, passive-aggressive resentment on a number of pet subjects which is the DM's stock-in-trade. They love nothing better than scaring the crap out of their readers with extremely dodgy reporting.


A good example is the recent article about the 'risk' of a pandemic posed by foreigners visiting London during the Olympics. If you dig into the sparse facts that slip into the article, it appears that the UK is in fact one of the best prepared EU states for such a pandemic, and that actually, there's no real extra likelihood of a pandemic. But you'd be hard pressed to gather that from the headline and the bulk of the article.


That said, the DM's readership often prove themselves to be rather more aware and balanced than the paper itself, judging by the comment columns on its website at least.

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I reckon George slaughtered them... It was difficult to understand which party Diane Abbott was supposed to be representing though. Is she Labour?


She was being honest. Not a quality that comes easily to a lot of our politicians and not a quality Diane always adheres to either.

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